Arko vs the rest

I got a stick of Arko in my cheap starter kit, so it was my first soap. Thankfully I love the smell and I can see me always having a stick of Arko in stock. That hasn't stopped me going wild trying a variety of different soaps & creams, though. I couldn't say how many perform better than Arko, but I love the variety.

Gotta love that Arko packaging, though, that's still my favourite.
Arko is great stuff -- can't beat it for the price. The scent puts a lot of people off, but there are apparently many folks who can't bear the scent of Tabac either.

I love 'em both, and they are both champion latherers IMO. I will never stop loving the huge variety of soaps/creams out there, but I have to say I will never be without a stick of Arko in the rotation (given a choice).

Of all the descriptions of the Arko scent, I think the one that reflects my associations for that peculiar smell is Ivory soap. Growing up in the sixties, that was the only soap my parents bought. I never liked the smell and, when I bought my own soap, I became an adherant to the anything except Ivory school of thought.

Years later I read about Arko shaving soap and tried some. WOW -- a blast from the past indeed! Strangely though, I enjoyed it as a trip down memory lane. I think that I've become fond of the scent in a nostalgic way.

Anyway, 'tis a great soap with a polarizing smell. At 2-4 bucks a stick (70 grams), it compares VERY favorably with another terrific shave stick, D. R. Harris.
The Harris sticks are 40 grams and come in a lovely twist-up container. Wonderful fragrances!
cost = about 18 bucks. the math -- those Harris scents are wonderful, and wonderfully expensive!
NotTheStig said:
It helps to like that strong cleaning product sorta smell.....
There's much better soaps and even creams to be had,


Dodgy, what soap would you be saying was better than Arko in terms of scent?

Gotta be Tabac for sure. I can recall a lot of posts where you praise the smell of that stuff.


Oh hell yeah, Tabac smells even better than Arko, hard as that is to believe. I like it so much that when lathering up my face I make sure to pound some of that stuff up my nose. Quite a bit actually. Jeepers, it's swell!

Because it's so inexpensive most people will buy a bunch of Arko all at once. From what I have seen in print, it's very possible that a large amount of sticks being stored in one container can cause some kinda spontaneous combustion thing. No more than three in a bag or box is suggested.

Maybe that was spontaneous generation.....can't remember. Oh Mr Potato, the Arko smells nothing like Ivory Soap.

I do like Arko, kinda like the smell too, but not sure I'd buy more.
I'm really enjoying Nanny's at the moment and they will last me a while!
I like Arko and the smell, I think smell is very weak anyway. I would say its way better then all the soaps and creams I tried. The only other product that is just as good as Arko is Valobra stick.
dodgy (Martin) wrote:

"Maybe that was spontaneous generation.....can't remember. Oh Mr Potato, the Arko smells nothing like Ivory Soap."

sorry, I'm often mistaken.
PotatoRazor said:
dodgy (Martin) wrote:

Oh Mr Potato, the Arko smells nothing like Ivory Soap."

sorry, I'm often mistaken.

Well hell, I'm wrong more often than right....just ask anyone. Doesn't stop me from posting though. The main thing is saying with conviction whatever nonsense that comes to me. You know better than me what that stuff smells like to you. I was just doing a little chain jerking.

Heh, Ivory Soap was a stretch I thought,


Arko is certainly a good soap but as for 'the best', I don't even think it is the best of the Turkish sticks (I have to admit I have not tried Blueness) for me this title goes to Tweex which I rate as just above the others but to be quite fair there isn't that much difference between any of them.
