ARKO Shave stick

Arko gives great lather more easily than anything else I've tried. I use it a lot but still enjoy the variety of other soaps in my collection. Most disappointing soap was also the most expensive (Penhaligons) but it still smells great and is worth using for that alone.
Re: RE: ARKO Shave stick

Each to their own and all that.


The stick and the cream are excellent with Derby DE. You need to expand your horizons!
Hope you're having a nice Spring!
The scent is very strong, it really dominates, I got 12 Arko soaps in stock and can smell them well. I didnt try them yet, but have smelled alot at them, its a smell some people will not like.

Its like cheap parfum smell, something like Axe.
Greetings Arko Lovers (and haters)

I can understand why the simple mention of Arko is so divisive. I actually love it, both the way it performs and the smell which I always liken to Citronella anti Mosquito candles!

I go swimming two or three times a week and the other day the urinals had been freshly cleaned and new urinal cakes/blocks placed in them, my thoughts immediately went to Arko, the scent is similar. I concluded it is the smell of pee I dislike not the urinal blocks.

I have just sent off to Bestshave for a 'goody' bag of Turkish treats including all the other shaving sticks they stock. I'll report back.

Smells like lemon scented bathroom cleaner. Jif or cif (depending on your age and where you are from) springs to mind.

But you can learn to love smells, and this smell I now associate with a great shave. So I now love it!
Tried this the other day for the first time and the smell is not for me.

It does remind me of them urinal blocks, definitely marmite in that regard but for the price it does lather well.
ARKO is great stuff. I loved the smell at first but its well, sorta, grating on me a little. Old thread but hey....
Old thread yes Graeme, but I quite like old threads back from the dead... somehow it's like seeing old friends. Sometimes your mind has changed since the thread started and it's intersting to see the shift... like with Derby blades; I think if you looked hard enough you might find less kind words from me in the past whereas now I actively like them.
But on this occasion I'm unchanged, Arko still stinks of bogs, and I'm still using T+H. Check back on me in a year.
On holiday in Rhodes just now and nipped over to turkey for a day trip. Picked up a couple of Arko sticks for next to nothing.

I quite like the lemony scent. Somehow the scent seems nicer in a hot country, more refreshing and they work well. I even seen it in cream form (they had sensitive and cool) but just stuck with a couple of sticks.

I also like Tabac so maybe my scent preferences are a bit warped.
Wow , tried it for the first afternoon , what a lather and I think I can live with the smell , it's not that bad to my nose , can't believe the lather though it was so rich .
My only worry is that my skin is tallow and lanolin intolerant ,but, I have taken steps to try and cover this so if this works Arko may well be in my rotation .
Time will tell .

P.S. thanks Dunc for the freebie otherwise I would never have tried it .