Aristocrat brassing

Finally received my £37 Aristocrat, not quite the hidden gem I was hoping for, it is filthy and the case is falling apart.

The main issue though appears to be brassing, mainly on the handle. It's currently being soaked in washing up liquid and I will give it a good scrub clean tomorrow.

Question - short of replating the razor is there anything I can do about brassing?

Still can't wait to have a shave with it[emoji3]

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Follow up the soaking with a good dose of bathroom cleaner (something like Flash, but nothing too strong like Cillit Bang or anything containing bleach). Then Peek Polish to finish the job (some branches of Tesco sell it). It wont cure any brassing, but once the crud and oxides are polished out it will look a lot better
That looks a bit too far gone for polishing - the handle and top cap in particular show pit marks which looks to be a sign of rust. So, complete stripping and re-plating might work - but there also the possibility that the rust has eaten into the base metal in which case you will be hard pushed to get a smooth finish.

It all depends on the extent of course - but don't expect too much from the polish. In any event, looks don't affect performance - as Quasimodo said to Esmerelda.
Those Aristocrats Demand High Prices..Its usually worth paying more for a Clean Razor in My Books..You can get the Odd Hidden Gem that's actually been preserved by being Covered in Crud..That takes a Keen Eye & usually a Gamble with the Best of Us..


I'm not one for displaying razors - after all the Mrs certainly ain't interested and nobody is coming round my house to admire them, I buy to use. I may not bother with a replate if as you say it's not going to look pristine anyway.

First thing is first need to get all the muck off give it a polish then see what the state of play is.
It's had a good clean and polish, it has come up better than I thought it would but the issues the razor has..........well you can see for yourselves

Also the doors don't quite align when they are closed.

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ive seen the "misalignment" from the top. its not actually an issue from those who have one.
and if one side is slightly higher then the other from the side, nothing to worry about. one side will be SLIGHTLY smoother and less aggressive then the other. its soo not noticeable. people normally think "hmm, I gotta rinse one side of the razor better"
Hmmmm .... It's really hard to see as the pics are at slight angles but it looks to me like one arm at the side is slightly raised - which would mean that side would meet the centre first and then bottom out stopping the other side from travelling any further and meeting the centre bar. If it is that it should be easy enough to tweak as it's probably a really tiny amount that would cause that amount of gap. What do the sides look like close up to you ? Are the tops at perfect right angles to the handle ?


I think that shows it better, yes you are spot on, one arm is slightly raised than the other.

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