Are your children being finger printed at school??

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I've spent 20 years of my life working in Information Security for a number of organisations, I'm not worried. Access to data is and has to be very tightly controlled. All large companies will have a data security policy which they adhere to. Regular audits are carried out by people not unlike myself to ensure that everything is as it should be. Yes, mistakes do happen, but not very often.

If I was to worry about my personal data being vulnerable the biggest risk is what is stored on my PC, laptop, tablet and phone, and the pieces of paper sent through the post which are easily intercepted. Also the information I key into small vendors websites when buying goods online, especially those that make you register, it means they are definitely storing your data.

DNA testing is expensive, and as the government has shut down it's own DNA testing faciilty the Forensic Science Service, I think it unlikely that anyone has the funds to pay for regular DNA testing on bloodtests. I certainly haven't seen any evidence of such a thing, and if it had been occurring I should have known about it. I have a close friend and colleague who is very senior in the world of Forensic science, he is also unaware of any such activity.

There is a lot of belief that the Government agencies are watching every move we make and recording everything we do for future reference, it simply isn't practical, there is far too much data available in the world today for it to be of any use. It would cost far too much to store the data, and you would need ridiculous amounts of computer processing power to even contemplate analysing the data all of which would cripple the countries economy even worse than it already is.

The technology is available, but the cost of the amount of it you would need goes far beyond any available budget.

We would all do well to remember that Digital Fortress by Dan Brown was indeed a FICTION book.
Nope, haven't seen anything to change my mind.

How about having your NI number being indexed alongside your finger prints.

Which could then be linked with your tax code, which in turn would show any benefits being claimed, then linked with your driving licence which in turn would show you having the correct insurance and MOT and current abode.
My car monitors where it is all the time, even when the Sat Nav is off it knows exactly where I am and even tells me when I'm over the speed limit for the road I am on. Am I bothered ?? No. Would I rather have my sons finger print used at school ? Yes ! Anything that makes anything safer for him than carrying cash.
What on earth would the government want with ordinary people living ordinary lives........nothing. The biggest problem is marketing companies using your info to send you all kinds of crap, that's what concerns me.
Walkers said:
What on earth would the government want with ordinary people living ordinary lives........nothing. The biggest problem is marketing companies using your info to send you all kinds of crap, that's what concerns me.

Which I'm finding far more intrusive and far more frequent.
Walkers said:
What on earth would the government want with ordinary people living ordinary lives........

I wouldn't begin to know how to answer that question. All I know is that they had a bloody good go at getting biometric ID cards as a requirement for us all to carry - and I can't think of a single reason for wanting to do that that I could even begin to think about feeling comfortabl with (hey ho! bring back clause analysis!).

And even if Civil Servants ceased to lose laptops and memory sticks full of personal data, I wouldn't feel comfortable - the database would be a honey-pot for crims and hackers. With Politicians in charge of it, who could know what uses they would find for it. I prefer not to give them anything they are not mature enough to handle with complete respect for me. Hah! that'll happen sometime soon, eh?
If I'm driving and stopped I give my name and address as required. If I'm a passenger I don't, because I don't have to. I'm quite happy to provide information and ID when required for good reasons. Otherwise I like my privacy and I don't remember giving anyone the right to stick their neb in purely for their own convenience or curiosity.
As far as work goes I like working in an environment where people, on the whole can be trusted to self regulate. I think some of the recent stories about the Amazon warehouses or the Chinese Apple farbs can show how far in the wrong direction you can go with that.
School stuff? I think you have to be careful what you teach a child, both directly and indirectly. The Swedes banned advertising aimed at the under nines both because they considered it unsporting and because they found it increased poverty. Businesses are already creeping into schools and academies, providing funding, sponsoring sports equipment and books and so on. Children do not react to advertising and suggestion in the same way adults do and the databases that could be opened up to MacDonalds etc ....

I don't always tell our lass where I'm going.

I don't always tell her what I buy either...

Unless I have to of course.
When people say "Government" ... I'm assuming they have a particular branch of the Civil Service in mind?






Not sure why any of these would be in the least bit interested in what my lad had for lunch, which happened to be fish and chips today.

Oops, cat's out of the bag!

Hang on, there's someone at the door ... Ctrl Z ! Ctrl Z !!!
Count of Undolpho said:
Sometimes a Government's idea of what constitutes an ordinary life doesn't fit with an ordinary persons idea of one.

I'll ask one more time - where in the original thread and the subsequent example of a working environment is the state/government/powers that be? Schools and private employers are not government institutions. You have the right to choose whether to work for the employer or opt out of the finger printing. By the way Sharon - shouldn't it be your son/daughter raising the objection - if they have one?
Here's ma fingerprints. Get 'em taken, it's yer only chance.

No bugger's having mine and yes, I've got shit loads to hide, in fact make that loads of shit. There is far too much of our personal information held by folks that just shouldn't have it so if they want my fingerprints they can come and fucking get them. And while they're at it, I'll be wrapping my Irish shovel round their bureaucratic, busy body, nosey parker, jobs worth, prying, pointy little heads!

Anyone know of any such scheme in Scotland? Or is it just down in Automatonshire they're using it?

Backwoods Billy,
Up a tree, not out of his
Give them as little as possible, that includes any Gov dept, Big business, little business etc.
You might all be law abiding citizens now but that could change on the governments whim and quick law change and before you know it your enemy no1 based on a review of previous buying habits,beliefs,political stance etc.

So pay cash whenever possible,don't use store/loyaltycards ,unregistered PAYG phone with sim/battery removed until required (one up nose,one up a**e!), No facebook,twitter, no shaving forums! avoid main travel routes,main shopping centres....

And all those people who say 'if you do now't wrong you've now't to be afraid of' I suggest you have a review of how much GMO food and Fluoride you are ingesting:huh:

This message was routed behind a firewall,in a sandbox through 27 random selected worldwide IP addresses:icon_razz:
My guess is the worst anyone on here has ever done is forgotten to check their rear view mirror before signalling and moving off ... yet here they are, trying to 'cover their tracks' like they're heavy hitters in the underworld.

Good grief.

Get some perspective, you loons.

'The Government' has bigger fish to fry. They haven't got a pot to piss in, so why would they spend any money piss-arsing about to find out what some internet geeks do for fun.

I had my hand scanned when I went to visit someone on remand (later charges were thrown out in court) I don't have an issue with the authorities having my finger prints. The already have medical records, tax info, details of my car etc. etc. its just one more piece of information/identification.

I wouldn't want to have finger prints replace a bank card pin number though as that would just lead to muggers carrying bolt cutters so I guess its just a what and when situation.
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