Are some of us guilty of using too little software?

In my last couple of shaves I've used what I used to consider "too much" cream when lathering however I have found that "too much" has turned into "just right" which led me to the question, are we guilty of using too little software or using soaps/creams too sparingly?

I used to always follow the "almond" sized dollop of cream however, I've been finding that just a little more than that provides me with a much better quality lather and excellent shaves.

Maybe it is just me and all you other guys are floating around in swathes of rich lather.

We spend a lot of time and money on brushes/razors and blades, maybe I've been overlooking the importance of soaps and creams and the part they play in the equation.
If I use a cream, I dip the brush in the tub. I've no idea how much that works out to. I don't seem to get it correct if I use a tube and squeeze some out. If I use a shave stick, I basically cover my face with it, then work into a lather. My main pot of cream (200g) looks like it will last a year.
Never subscribed to the whole 'Almond sized' dollop of cream myself. Not becuase i think its wrong, but becuase if im making a luxurious wonderful smelling pot of lather i want tons of the stuff.

Wasteful? a little..... but god its good.
I use what's required - no dogmatic adherence to edicts from anyone on quantities to be used, some creams require larger or smaller dollops as has been observed by others. First use is trial and error, beyond that it's trying to remember what size dollop is needed with what (same goes for soaps, some only need a light loading, others a heavy loading)
I've always felt the 'almond sized dollop' was misleading, an almonds pretty small especially when you see tutorials on different sites when they say to use an almond size but show a larger than almond lump of cream
Hopefully this picture will answer any further questions about almonds and their size:

I'm surprised there is such ignorance within the shaving community on such matters. :roll:
I always use a good dollop of cream, or is a hard soap swirl for a good 30 seconds, I have heard of people who measure the cream they use. I don't think they are being stingy but they are trying for consistent results like a recipe. I always use way more than needed and usually have enough left over for two more shaves, but I'd rather have that than too little.

Also it helps use product up and you can then buy more to try. This sounds wasteful but per shave it is negligible.