Are Expensive Creams better than Cheaper Ones

I'd say the more expensive T&H creams are better too, I'd say they are a lot thicker than the no 10 so might be more concentrated. I did read an interesting post the other day saying that the EJ and Muhle creams have a similar base to speick.
I've got the sandalwood smells better than no10. Does it work better? Maybe maybe not but its like a placebo effect.

A good scent might make you think it's slightly better

Either way. Every other cream I've had ive either sold or given away. Both expensive and cheap

The t&h sandalwood the only one I kept.

I use it mainly when I'm going out and want some luxury
For me the following are better than the cheaper creams I've used in terms of BOTH scent and performance:

Castle Forbes
Cold River Soap Works
Nanny's Original & Olive Oil

for me they are worth the extra
Occams Razor said:
I love the protection of a thick, slick lather that Mitchel's wool Fat gives you.

Yep, that stuff is really good and not many creams can approach it's overall performance. Great bang for the buck as a bonus.
I think the T&H No10 is great stuff - especially if you grab it when it's on offer at Sainsbury's every so often (I think it's fairly cheap from the manufacturer's website too. Also really like the Supermax stuff from Savers which is really cheap but a great performer. I used to use the Trumper's sensitive snd it's pretty good too but not tried too many high end creams as so many cheap ones perform so well. I've spent a bit more on soaps but I think I am one of the few that isn't blown away by the MWF. I often find I get one good pass before it seems to collapse. I do love Tabac though.
Murdock cream is the best, castle forbes is second best, t & h is third best, tobs is fourth best.

There, simples

Coincidentally that is their order of cost also
Cheers Dick,
Thanks to you and a couple of others, now into the SE experience. Have ordered some
Speick, very reasonably priced.
The most expensive cream I've used up to now is TOBS avocado. OK, but personally I much prefer Ingram. I get on so well with that I've not been tempted to go more expensive. I like the menthol and get a nice slick lather from it. That said, I've not got any creams at the moment on account of working my way through a stash of soaps...there's certainly something to Martin's comments. I'll buy Ingram again and likely try a few other creams in due course but am mainly a soaps guy. Whether it's creams, soaps or anything else in life I don't really buy into the more expensive = necessarily better viewpoint.
I generally use soaps rather than creams for the simple reason even though the creams I have are excellent, I find they take a lot more sink-cleaning-up afterward than soaps do (could be the hard water - dunno).

That said the creams I do use on occasion give an excellent result & they aren't expensive - T&H #10b (always performs well), WARS (superb & cheap) & BS Macca Root (a bit pongy, but does the job well).

There's lots of good inexpensive creams available. Easy to lather with plenty of cushion and good slip and many that smell good. It seems though that a few creams can be slicker than most of those others and they tend to be on the expensive side.

Here, take something like DR Harris creams to make a point. To me it's very good and not crazy expensive for what you get. It has everything going for it except for just a slight lack of slip when compared to a very good soap. I use DR Harris cream sometimes and like it, but it ain't perfect. The soaps are better to my way of thinking.

For me Cyril Salters and St. James are my two favourite creams.

Both give exceptional lather, slick and great post shave skin care.

whereas I like Ingrams, Palmolive and Supermax I do think these two creams are step above the high street brands, especially in scent and post shave. Are they worth the extra cost? Only you can answer that.
Ben88 said:
Still don't think you can go wrong with Proraso green cream. When I go back to it after using several artisan soaps it never fails to impress me with its slickness. An absolute bargain IMHO.

Used mind again recently and was well impressed.

Price doesn't guarantee performance, basically.

Yes, some more expensive creams do smell/perform better, but not often that much better.

Check reviews and read the forum and I'm sure you can pick up a bargain.
Don't think its worth paying for 'expensive' creams. The hard water up here seems to reduce their effectiveness anyway. Saying that, creams seem to have the edge over soaps. I usually bung some lanolin/oil on my mush with the cream.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the best cream in the world ever! It's available again, it is pricey and it is te best - Xpec. They charge the same for the Original and the unscented.

You won't be surprised if I bang on yet again about the most important ingredient in all lathers whether from soaps or creams - soft water. A few drops of bubble bath in your shave water should do the trick - just enough to get a few short-lived bubbles when you whisk the water with your fingers.

Are the expensive ones worth it? If you can afford them and enjoy being generous to yourself - absolutely yes.
My granddad would put some saddle soap that he used to put on his strop with his shaving soap and plaster his face with it!! He reckoned that if it was good enough for his horses saddles, then it was good enough for his chin.
Re: RE: Are Expensive Creams better than Cheaper Ones

Frankieabbott said:
My granddad would put some saddle soap that he used to put on his strop with his shaving soap and plaster his face with it!! He reckoned that if it was good enough for his horses saddles, then it was good enough for his chin.
My dear dad used what's known as laundry soap bar for shaving, there wasn't anything better where he was.