Aquisitions nov 1- nov 30

superspeed by the look of it
LeCoultre frameback with three blades. The blades have all honed up fine and the one I've shaved with gave a really nice shave. There is a really big smile on the blades, but very easy to hone, superb steel. Just need to finish cleaning the horn scales as they were a bit manky. Once that is done this will be a lovely set to own.
Sorry for the amount of photos but I'm pretty excited about having harpooned one of my white whales - and thanks to @N_Architect for giving up his for me

Emerging out of the dark pits of collecting and voe...smothered in secret sauce and draped in a veil of thinly woven unobtanium.....

A near-mint Schick Type O
(Making a little happy dance here)

Oh man I've been looking for one of those! Nice catch (bugger)!