Aquatonic "Fresh"

So I was in Savers yesterday and noticed that they were stocking some new eau de toilettes for a pound. "What the heck!", I thought and bought Aquatonic "Fresh" which the blurb on the back said stated out with Lemon and Bergamot and continued down to Amber and Patchouli.

There's definitely a citrus scent to begin with mixed with a sweet, hard-boiled sweet type smell, then a heavier scent which could include some Patchouli. It doesn't last as long as you'd expect with an eau de toilette, but there must be some decent sillage because my wife seems to have an allergic reaction to this and has been sneezing and spluttering all day.

The smell wasn't bad or brilliant and I only spent a pound on it, but I'm not sure how often I'll be wearing it given my wife's reaction to it. Ho hum.
Oh well, no great loss. It was worth a punt for a quid, I lose more than that every time I take my change out of my pocket and put it on the table. As soon as I turn around, that's the green light for my 6 year old to rock up with her bankie! ;-)