Apropos nothing in particular

I have to say they did well to find anyone within 30 miles of Hawick that was even remotely intelligible... they speak with the most outlandish accent over there.... When we were buying our stair carpet, the chap asked "Halunnsteerunlenden?" and SWMBO just stared blankly (and asked when we left the shop what language he was speaking :lol: - just a typical Borders ex-mill worker)
My ancestors worked in the woolen mills in the Borders; thankfully two generations ago they left the Borders and moved closer to Edinburgh so that when I speak I'm easily understood!
I have thirteen navy blue jumpers: mostly round neck (two V) mostly wool (one cashmere), mostly thinnish (one chunky, one lined).

Also four with holes in for decorating and washing the car.

Almost every day since I was 10 have worn a navy blue wool jumper, except for during the height of Summer.