April acquisitions

Mail called, the Gillette Red Tip 1950's made in England has arrived, finally at last for nearly three years of searching is over, IF, I find another English Red Tip I'll grab it again.

Here's another photo to see the difference from English Red Tip on the left vs the US Red Tip on the right, see the bottom of the turning dial closely to see the difference and I'm told that the English 0.81mm is more aggressive than the US 0.66mm

A little run around today, on route to visit @Electrif I popped into PO Depot. Jackpot, all paid up so they handed over the package. A great visit with a fellow shaver and forum member to pick up another razor. Thanks again Arthur for the added extras and samples.

The Occam from the USA

The Rocnel SE

Thanks for a very nice and informative visit Arthur.
Well done Post Office lad for having a rake to find my package.