Apprehensive Hello!

This is extremely reassuring. Thanks
I'm getting much more confident (although had my first weeper this morning) but don't feel I'm getting a close shave yet. I'm getting more comfortable, but no closer.
Just got home to a pleasant surprise - N1vlo who offered a few blades has sent me a selection of 40 blades!
And some nice soap too.

Just thought I'd share because Im in a great mood now, and you are all utter legends!
For those that missed it, my EJ DE89 has finally arrived, so I am no longer a voyeur, but a fully fledged member!

Tried today using the new EJ brush you can see in the picture, along with a derby blade and the TOBS sandlewood soap.

I now have some questions. :blush:

Do brushes improve?
I ask because my old brush, a badger hair I got from TK max for about £7 feels softer and it so much "bushier".
Since the brush was unbranded I thought it would be poor and I've treated rather harshly. But I'm now thinking I had a belter.
The new EJ actually felt prickly.

How do you do the non dominant part of your face?
I could get the right side done quite well, but using my right hand on the left side of my face resulted in me getting the angles all wrong. Switching the razor to my left hand ....well that was just downright comical. I've seen newborn lambs with more control of their limbs!

Problem area's. Grrrrr.
The tip of my chin doesn't want to be shaved. I know we have to think of our faces as having multiple facets, and I've spent time grain mapping. But the most extreme tip of my chin doesn't follow the rules. I cant get enough of a "sweep" at it I think, so I end up just going for a short slide but the razor seems to snag. I try different angles but I think its just the area is too small to get in a rhythm. Practice practice I guess.

I feel fantastic by the way. Loving the experience, and I'm getting very little irritation. But I'm not getting a good clean shave yet. Again, I expect its just practise.

Hi mate, glad everything arrived for you.

What brush did you go for? I got the EJ in best badger. Being my first brush I didn't have anything to compare it to but it did feel prickly for the first couple of uses but after that it went all lovely and soft, and it's bloomed well too.

I'm having fun with the left side of my face too - I'm fine on the cheeks but my chin/neck is hilarious!

I struggle with the jaw line (which I think must be quite angular really) and it seems to get left out even though I'm sure I shave it...!

Good luck!