Any Road cyclists amongst?

I know what you mean.... we didn't think of that but I would have been reluctant to leave my bike where I couldn't keep an eye on it, although I was carrying 4kg worth of locks, I'm a bit paranoid about getting my bike nicked; I'd be devastated.

We figured the best place to set camp on the beach is far from the toilets, not many people there. Yesterday we walked home from town through the beach and Bournemouth beach was the busiest, people come in the train / coach for the day to that beach. By the time we got to our local beach, Alum Chine beach, it wasn't half as crowded.

I'll be heading to Canford Cliffs Post office on my bike shortly as the Westbourne Post Office has been closed due to Covid, I'll ride the long hill instead of going through the beach this time.
Hope it's cleared up now - must say I have never heard about this, of course hydration is very important especially on long runs. That reminded me, as kids we'd never heard of hydration, ok we didn't cycle seriously but did long rides. It was more likely we had a fag than a drink

A few years ago at work we had a briefing on men's health topics, and someone raised the question about cycling, whether it can cause prostate cancer or make one impotent... However the doctor on the panel seemed to think there is no reliable evidence for that and the benefits of cycling far outweigh any negatives. I certainly found over the past 10 years that I'm rarely out of breath and even after 60k I can run up the stairs when I get home. Good enough for me.