Any injector users here?

I have three of the Schick G1 from the late 40's. I rotate between two of them every day. The third one is brand new (yes, a couple of years ago I located and new unused G1 at an old drug store). I just really like the way these old injectors shave. So much so that I sold all of my DE razors except one.


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Hi there fellow Yankophile,

Now that is pretty funny....hope you don't mind me saying so. Using only two of the same razors in your rotation, with a spare one (smart, I'm a big fan of 'back ups' myself).

So may I ask why you rotate those? Do they shave the same or no? If it's the case that they are similar, I'd be interested in your answer. Oh yeah, might I ask what blade you load?

You know, back 4-5 years ago, the 'hot' G type was the #66. Blue handle version on a one timer for I forget which year,,,,1949 maybe. Supposed to shave better than the other models for some reason. I tried that one, and a few other various colored handled versions, and every one was a little bloodsucking vampire razor to me. Same thing with the E type of course.

I've said this before to other members, that I'm somewhat envious you can use that injector as well as you do. Especially using yours as a go to razor....pretty amazing. I know other people who love those things, but I just can't understand that. You're one of the lucky ones I guess.


*Cough*, not to enable you, but I'd bet you would really enjoy using an open comb DE razor. Actually though, you had some DE types and sold em off. Were there some open comb types in that group?

I guess the main reason I rotate is the color of the handles. The one pictured is kind of a cream color and the other is a butterscotch color. They both shave exactly the same.

As for as blades, I use either the Chinese Schick blades or the EMS blades that I think are made by Personna. The EMS is the best dollar value but both shave about the same. I get 7 shaves no matter which one I use. If your not familiar with EMS, here is their website.

To be precise, use this link about half way down.
They are out of Hatfield, PA
GDCarrington said:
Well, add me to the list.


Howdeee GD (said in my best J.R. Ewing voice),

Now thet thar is the hot injector/blade combo. Best of both worlds collide to explode in shaving wonderfulness. Heh, I noticed you still have some old Wars in your a liitle bit left myself. Man, you musta started with this 'hobby' a while back I'd guess.

I have 4 blades left in my Personna74 dispenser, and will break one out when the call is just too strong.

Good call on that pic,

Dipesh said:
Those personna razors look fantastic. What do they shave like?

These are the very best injector blades. Slightly better than old stock Schick injectors.
They are harder to come by with every passing year as the stock dwindles.

I have a couple of tubes of WARS left after this one. It was and is a wonderful cream. I like the smell and the feel of it.

I started this hobby 18 months ago. I just was very diligent in looking for what was truly good products and procured some while I could. Someone recommended WARS and I tried it and was hooked. It is my primary winter cream but it is no longer available. Sigh...

Thanks for the interest in the picture.

Just seen a photo of the Schick "D" type with the split mental handle. Any one have any experiences with it. Or how/what the split handle does? Thanks.
Johnus said:
Just seen a photo of the Schick "D" type with the split mental handle. Any one have any experiences with it. Or how/what the split handle does? Thanks.

What's doin fellow Yankophile,

How about some vague and probably very unreliable recollections about that injector......sound good? Been too many years since I knew all that various injector info, and it looks like it mighta all flown the old cranial coop.

I think this one's got an unusual head and also the razor weighs a good bit. Never seen one in the wild that I can remember, but I know they're a highly desireable model that doesn't show up for sale very often in any condition. I'm sure there's a bunch of stuff to read about, seeing as how different it is from the other types.

There you go, I'm sure at least part of the post may be correct.

Johnus said:
Just seen a photo of the Schick "D" type with the split mental handle. Any one have any experiences with it. Or how/what the split handle does? Thanks.

Try this website for Injector information.

The D class split metal handle used an external blade injector and the head opened to clean the blade.

I have not used one, but I hope this information helps!
Yes, the model D on the chart is the I that I saw. Interesting that it was the 1st Schick model.

Well gentlemen while I was out being "loving husband and father" I lost the bid on the "D". 29.99US. May be next time-(

Just a few thoughts, brought on by NTS and his injector experience. Took a little while to set things right, but it worked out ok for him.

It mighta been the sorta perfect storm kinda thing. The razor could have had too much bite, technique mighta been needed to improve a little bit, and using a very sharp blade can add to any of those problems. Not unlike when I first started with the injector, which was pretty brutal. It was so bad I stopped using injector for a few months before deciding to try something different. Man, that next set up was a much better fit and I knew it right away. Then it was just a question of finding the right razor/blade combo.

There really is some experience needed to get the most from this type of razor. It's a rewarding kinda thing and they are a fun change of pace.

Johnus said:
Yes, the model D on the chart is the I that I saw. Interesting that it was the 1st Schick model.

Well gentlemen while I was out being "loving husband and father" I lost the bid on the "D". 29.99US. May be next time-(

Sorry, you did not get it while doing the family thing. This was not the first Schick. That honor goes to the 1926 model. This however was the first Schick model that used the key injector system and is the first "injector" type. The earlier ones had to use a loader that came as a part of the razor. This was a dramatic improvement and made the Schick razor much more popular and a strong contender to DE razors.