Any injector users here?

On cutting yourself. I know that with my E Type I need to make sure that the blade is positioned properly each time that I change it. Not sure that this is the same with each E but just using the injector and pressing our another blade is no guarantee that it's will be positioned correctly. Once it's in right, it doesn't more but it need a good visual check with each chg.
It it's not positioned right it will either cut you or not shave.
Not sure that it's the same with the newer ones.
NotTheStig said:
It seems as though it is in place properly, but thanks. I did double check following your post

Ok, ok hang on here,

See once and for all if it's the blade or the razor that's messing you up. I looked at my time using that Gillette blade and it looks like the 5 shaves I got were good ones. If the blades were bad I woulda said something for sure, and certainly wouldn't use it 5 times....heh.

Now this was in the Schick, not the PAL. I've only used the PAL 4 times or so, and with only one sharp blade (vintage Personna74) in the thing. That's what was loaded into the razor when Bob sent that out. Started out on the #3 setting, but after a couple nicks and a bit of unpleasant post shave feeling I switched to the #2 and it helped.

I can't really say if the PAL settings are close to the Schick injectors, but I know what works for me. First of all, don't use the PAL again with those blades and try the Schick set on #3. If that's not much better then forget those blades. I've got some old Personnas that're very good and you can try those as well.

Let's see how the Schick works out when you feel like trying an injector again,

Hi dodgy
I think it might be a good call about dialling down. At 3 it didn't really feel it was cutting, but that was with the bundled Schick blades; 5 with the Gillettes might explain the soreness and cuts.
Out of interest, do you have to do more than 3 passes with these injectors? I have the head flat against my face and wondered if the angle or number of passes was wrong. I ended up doing 5 on setting 5 with the Gillette ones just to try to get through the hair because so much of it remained, which I think was probably the biggest mistake.
I'll use the Gillette ones on setting 3 (maybe even 2) and go slow (50% of the time I was wiping it round my face a bit, like I used to with the Sensor Excel and Mach 3 I guess).

What's doin NTS,

I normally use 4 passes with both the DE and injector razors. One technique tweak that's needed with the injector is having to bear down a bit during the shave. That adds another variable to the mix and it can take a few times to figure that part of the deal out. Extremely sharp blades can leave very little room for error.

Don't screw around with the PAL anymore for the moment, and see if the Schick performs better for you.
I've had a look at the Schick ones, it looks like you can quite easily. I've never done it though!

You just have to push down the spring with a screwdriver and then slot them in.

Obviously it can be a bit risky with blades and cutting yourself if you slip.
jimbofett said:
Just out of interest

Can you reload the injector keys

Something i have always wondered about

Hi there,

Yeah, it's no problem loading the loose blades and if anyone's gonna do that I'd suggest you use the all metal dispensers rather than the plastic ones. The metal versions load the blade easier and without having to mess around with little tweaks that the plastic ones are known for often needing.

NotTheStig said:
Yesterday and today, with the Schick on 3 and 2 and loaded with the Gillette Platinum blades, I got a great shave.

What's doin buddy,

Whew....that's good to hear. So do you think using the Schick injector instead of the PAL made the most difference, or was it technique tweaks that did the trick?

I think the pal is more aggressive and I needed to get the hang of it on a low setting. But hopefully I will be able to get used to the pal and lesser blades following this experience.
It was great getting your advice and the opportunity.

Dipesh, nice to know what the fuss is about! These injectors are well worth trying. I'd recommend them to DE virgins and shaving enthusiasts alike. Availability is the only issue.
hunnymonster said:
For devices that all appear to have the same geometry there's a heck of a variation between them all... and being more or less forced to use the same blade in all it's a nice wee challenge to have actually.

What's doin HM,

Yeah, injectors can be very different shave wise. I have lots of experience using almost every Schick model, plus a few other injector brands. Blades are another thing I know something about, having gone through a bunch in order to finally settle on a favorite or two. None of these preferred blades are currently made and I like em much more than the Pella or CVS or modern Schicks (both German and Chinese).

The vintage Personnas, Schick, and Gillette injector blades are still around for sale on ebay, so there's really no shortage as of now. They can cost almost $1 per blade though. Sometimes they'll be a fair bit less, but figure on close to the $1 mark. Not really a big deal to me if I can get 5-6 excellent shaves outta one blade.

Now not all brands of vintage injector blades are gonna be great for everyone, so you gotta try a few. Yeah, it's just like the DE rabbit hole. The grind and sharpness is different on many of these old things, and some are naturally a better fit.

Hahaha.....wanna know something else? You also need the right injector, or else no matter how great the blades are, the shave will be crap. Yep, that DE thingy again. You gotta try a few different injectors to experience the full range. However, you can skip the early E and G types if you don't care for a very aggressive feel to the shave. You also gotta keep in mind there's a bit of new technique to be learned (angle and pressure mostly).

I like having an injector in the rotation, even though it's not used all that often anymore. There's something to be said about using that very stiff blade on my face, and I enjoy the quiet rustling sound it makes. I can shave with it just about like my old M3 as far as looong strokes and not needing to pay much attention (except with certain extremely sharp blades). Very fun change of pace razor.

Yes, I can see the appeal (at last!) I think yesterday's shave with it must have been one of my closest. 12 hours later there was far less stubble than I usually expect.