any help please



hi guys bin wet shaving for 9 months now, i use 1952 gillett superspeed derby blades(cant cope with feathers) prorosa cream, body shop macca root cream, and a 50 pence palmolive stick gettin better every week but still struggle with my jaw line any suggestions
If the only blades you have tried are feathers and derby they really are at totally diffrent ends of the scale. maybe a blade sampler pack would help find something better for you.

Good set up, you should be able to get a decent shave with that little lot.

Try very short atg strokes - think of the way a cut diamond's "curves" are really lots of small straight smooth planes.

You need to keep the razor "open" at its optimal angle as your face changes its presentation to the blade. As there's no swivel head or internal pivot to track and follow your face's changing contours you need to do it by series of short strokes, each one with a fixed or locked wrist for the stroke but at a different angle as you get to a change in the curve.

I'm making it sound complicated but you'll get there!
Welcome to the forum,

Some good advice given but also check out Mantic's Advanced Shaving Techniques on You Tube
and Robert Johnston of The Gentleman's Shop's vid
i for got to say i use korres after shave balm, its brilliant and smells great as well
Welcome to The Room. A bunch of people have given some very sound advice, that I can't add much to... but I'll add to it anyway...

  • Never be afraid to revisit the basics, even when you get to the point where you think you have no shaving issues to resolve. [/list:u]
    • Remember that the only deadlines you have for learning this stuff, are the deadlines you either place on yourself, or that you allow others to place upon you.
      • - relax, enjoy and be mindful of the experience.[/list:u][/list:u]
Welcome to TSR. I think trying a few different types of blades is a good plan, and for tackling the jawline Moody Mick and the Rev have pointed the way, though Mick by his own admission has left an open goal for the more unruly elements who inhabit this forum.
Hiya Joner216. Welcome.

Nothing to add on the jawline problem apart to say that the above advice is sound. Lots of trial and error and you'll figure out what's best for you.
Welcome mate,

The Jawline is one I do without stretching the skin, too much. I do a north to south pass and then aim for a flat surface and go across the grain ear to mouth. Sometimes need a little bit of blade buffing just at the base of jay next to the ear lobe as my hair tends to grow in various direction there, let it grow for a day or two and look at which direction it is growing in, it could be that it has a different direction to what you think. Other than that it is just persevere and try different things, you'll get there.

I have more problem with the base of my neck, swap you :lol:

Enjoy the forum.