Another hello from Yorkshire

I remember a really crap pub in Ravensthorpe we used to drink in, the name escapes me at the moment, the only reason we used to go in was they had the perfect pint of Timmy Taylor's Landlord.
I'm not a frequent pub goer nowadays, mostly because the clientele make me feel old, but the way it used to work in Keighley was that there were mild pubs and bitter pubs: in each case you could be assured of a top notch pint of one or the other, but not both. For instance, the Globe used to sell four gallons of Golden Best to one of Best Bitter, if not more ... but anyway, the point is that Landlord was never a big seller in Keighley because it cost a bit extra. Probably this isn't the case now since Landlord is both highly promoted and excellent, but my attitude remains that if the mild is so very good (and doesn't give you a hangover either), why pay for the premium product? Anywhere far outside of town this doesn't apply though as you are unlikely to be given the choice.