Android Wi-Fi Data Limit App?

Is there anything on Android which will actually disconnect the wi-fi once a certain amount of data has been downloaded each month? Similar to the built in mobile data monitoring and limiting built into newer versions of Android.
I can find plenty of Wi-Fi data monitoring apps but nothing that will actually switch it off (preferably with a warning first) at a set amount.
I've just signed up to 3 MiFi and just use it with my tablet so the app would be able to monitor all usage.

Hopefully I won't ever go over the 15GB a month limit, but if I do it's 10.2p per MB over, or £102.00 per GB!!

Thanks all.

PS - there doesn't seem to be a feature in my 3 account to do this, although I could be wrong. Certainly Google hasn't provided any solutions for either.
Thanks for the fast reply. I only got it a few days ago so nowhere near the limit yet.
My tablet is rooted although I have never gone fiddling. Did some command line stuff in Linux and DOS but very basic stuff
Unless you're constantly streaming video you're not going to get close to 15GB in a month... I'm pretty sure they send an SMS (to the Mifi) when you're getting within 10% of capacity - but also they don't count everything (I've yet to work out what they do count but my data consumption on 3 is reliably around 10-15% lower in my3 than it is on the device making the traffic...)

Monitor it manually for a month or two and get a feel for how much you're using - then you'll have an idea if you need to rein in your usage or can relax

This from a self-confessed statistics nut and tinkerer (and tight bastard that doesn't like incurring punitive overcharges on data)
Reassuring credentials hunny. I would have suspected nothing less of you, however.

Yeah, probably not a lot to worry about, although YouTube and Netflix are a potential source of danger.
Perhaps with yours they have a 'benefit of the doubt' allowance/waiver in case people ring up shouting for going 1.5MB over and incurring a (very small) charge.

Thanks for letting me know that text message is within 10% of download limit; seems a sensible amount. I know I can buy 'bundles' of add-on data each month as well if I really was desparate (assuming I noticed in time).
As hunny said, it's very difficult to go through 15GB per month.
However, if we assume that you do and that you also get some kind of notification (email, SMS), you can use an app called Tasker which has the functionality to switch things on and off. The only caveat is that you will need to do some tweaking yourself.

If the notification is also on email, you can use (to read the incoming email), which can then send a message to Tasker to switch off your WiFi and also notify you. The possibilities are then endless if you get that far.
give three customer services a ring and ask them to cap the bill at 15 gb
the will quite happly do this
the only time the cap can be broken is if u use it abroad
then you will need a second mortgage
i have both mine capped ( 1 is the wifes )

hope this helps