Am I doing it wrong?

I started using a straight a while back and enjoyed it but found that it 'juddered' while I was shaving (I have a very tough beard), so I started using a DE for a couple of reduction passes and using a straight as more of a 'finishing tool'.

I get great shaves, but cant help feeling that I am somehow doing it wrong as I read posts on here of people doing it the other way round, and using the DE to 'buff' the bits away.

Am I being an idiot or does it not really matter?

It should not be juddering unless your angle is wrong maybe, or a bit more prep. This is all asumming that your edge on the razor is fine and actually came to you shave ready and have not rolled it while stropping
+1..I agree with pedro :mrgreen:
If everything is in order..razor is honed right..stropped correctly..using green paste (optional) when need to re hone by an expert..and angles are correct (15-30 degrees) there shouldn't be any issue...also skin stretching is a big key to it..try getting some Alum block..very cheap..lasts forever...helps greatly..and works well for minor nicks n cuts


pedro083 said:
It should not be juddering unless your angle is wrong maybe, or a bit more prep. This is all assuming that your edge on the razor is fine and actually came to you shave ready and have not rolled it while stropping
Hi Matt! I´ll get back to you tonight, but we´ll try and figure this one out, if I can ... If you ever change your mind re the razor ...

Ohh, shouldn´t matter when you decide to use the straight, but maybe it´s easier for you to use the DE for that, since you´re most used to that and should get the cleanest result from it. On the other hand it´s very good practice to get rid of the last straws and find those areas that´re thetroublesome ones.