Alum Question?

Is there such thing as a scented alum block; lime, bay rum & rose would be nice. Not all in the same block mind. If not , is it anything to do with the alum itself not allowing for a scent or just that no one has bothered?
never heard of one

the only suggestion i have is to grow your own with a flavour in it, not sure how that'd work or if it'd be worth the faff :?

antdad posted about how to grow your own crystals many moons ago, some old school project i think
Would there be any point?
I rinse my face after using the alum as it dries my skin so any scent (if it were possible) would soon be gone.
My biggest gripe is AS fragrence that does'nt last long enough to see you from the bathroom to the livingroom.
I understand that point just thinking about the here and now as in a shaving soap isn't meant to scent your skin beyond the shave.
I also use alum as a deodorant and have noticed that if you wet it with rosewater it does transfer the scent for a short while.

My guess is that if you were to grow your own alum crystal, and added a fragrance to the water the alum is dissolved in, it would be scented, and possibly coloured depending on the additive used. Though, I don't know how profoundly it could affect the actual crystal's growth in time, quality, size etc., etc., etc.