Alum instructions?

Warm rinse then coldrinse , run alum under cold tap and apply to face and leave
(I also use alum as an under arm) :shock:
Tidy up and wait til face tingles then cold rinse, pat dry and apply ASB
Thats my routine and it works for me.
Sorted now thanks!

Last night - warm rinse, rub with alum, face tingling then rinse warm then cold, apply ASB which didn't immediately dry into face so I would agree with the too much alum the first time suggestion.

Everyone has played Alum hockey at some point. Those little ones I had with the cap are quite good, I knocked mine off the shelf the other day with the lid on and it survived intact and when you use it you are gripping a plastic base which virtually eliminates the slippy block scooting out of your hand.
Especially in the summer, in the Scottish winter (and half of the alleged summer) a cold water splash is something not to be undertaken with a casual approach but I do enjoy a cold splash after a shave.