allergic reation

Hi all
Fairly new to DE / soaps
I just tried Tabac and have had an allergic reaction, i also suffered the same reaction to erasmic (soap). Has any one else had this problem ?
I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a common ingredient causing this ? If so can anyone advise other soaps to avoid
I have no prob with TOBS or MWF
Cheers all
I was going to say tallow since both Tabac and Erasmic have it, but it seems that MWF which also has it doesn't affect it.
It maybe a particular perfume ingredient present in some soaps.


Hi there
I have a reaction with TOBS creams, especially face lathering, no problem with Tabac. I haven't tried MWF, so I cannot comment.
I've found I keep trying them and it's not too bad, then ooohyah! red itchy face.
i've only had it with Erasmic cream so far

think it was the coconut oil :?

but that's not in Tabac or the Erasmic soap

is the Erasmic the old formula (tallow) or the new one (glycerin)?
Boab got a reaction to Tabac; Henk shed some light on it.

Almond scented stuff can be allergenic as well; again, Henk knows why.
hando said:


Reactions to cocoates (soaps from coconut oil) are possible, but are unlikely to be of an allergic nature; just irritation. Irritation from tallowates is unlikely, and allergic reactions to tallowate even more so. Most allergic reactions to soaps (including shaving soaps) can be traced to fragrance components
Any lime or citrus based soaps or creams for me. Erasmic has the same effect on me as well, red blotchy skin and a slightly irrated feel.
My face has decided it does not like Proraso,got red blotchy skin after a shave,thinking it was a one off i tried again a few days later,same result,as a consequence i gave away or traded what i had .

lenny said:
Any lime or citrus based soaps or creams for me. Erasmic has the same effect on me as well, red blotchy skin and a slightly irrated feel.

EMinently possible. Limonene and linalool (constituents of all citrus oils) are known allergens. Not very potent, and not extremely widespread, but enough to warrant listing on labels.
EMinently possible. Limonene and linalool (constituents of all citrus oils) are known allergens. Not very potent, and not extremely widespread, but enough to warrant listing on labels.
This is an interesting topic that isn't REALLY thought of much.

Linalool is used in some very high grade products. supposedly 60-80% of all hygiene products have it.

Linalool gradually breaks down when in contact with oxygen, forming an oxidized by-product that may cause allergic reactions such as eczema in susceptible individuals. Between 5 and 7% of patients undergoing patch testing in Sweden were found to be allergic to the oxidized form of linalool.[4]

However it isn't all from citrus, 200 some plants can be turned into linalool. cinnamon and lavandula for instance,