Alcohol Free Beer

When I'm driving and Dj'ing I drink alcohol free. Guiness is my go to, but I have tried Old Mout Cider (pop) and Heineken in which there literally is more flavour in the till receipt. I have looked at Ghost Ship but not tried it yet. The Wheat Beers sound like they should have some flavour. Ultimately they do all miss the mark when it comes to actually tasting like the product they imitate. I gave up on alcohol free, much preferring to get a pint of Diet Coke. No point drinking something with no flavour when you know what you are getting with a glass of Coke. If you really need to convince yourself you are drinking alcohol then tell yourself it is an alcohol free Jack Daniels and Coke, it amounts to the same thing.
Alcohol free beers are like Vegan Sausages, basically you are paying through the nose for a non product.
It is a damn sight better (for flavour) nowadays. The technology has moved on considerably and to be frank, I don't see it as a non-alcoholic beer but just an adult drink. I don't like pop or fruit juice and water gets very boring. I can also enjoy free time beers without having to plan around whether or not I need to drive ... and I can have a Guinness for breakfast without condemnation.

Just a short few years back I had to concede that I was an alcoholic. I took recovery very seriously and actually the psychotherapy got to the nub of my addictive nature and it transpired that alcohol was NOT the drug I was looking for ... it was nicotine that was my special drug that kept on giving and ironically the one I gave up many years ago. Anyway, short of it is, I do drink alcohol every now and again and actually had a couple of Guinnessesses on holiday over the last couple of weeks - I actually found that I preferred the non-alcoholic version for flavour and refreshment!

But yes, Kaliber was minging! Guinness have absolutely absolved themselves now ...
0.0 Guiness for breakfast..Hmmn you have got me thinking now. How lovely to be able to enjoy a cold can of Guiness with my lunch at work, safe in the knowledge that there are no laws broken. Certainly beats a bland cup of Tea on a nice summers day. I may just have to give that a go.
Tried a Budvar Nealko last night (79p for 500ml from Home Bargains).

Not as premium as its full fat cousin, it was a little bit sweet. Not one to bother seeking out again, but not one to avoid, either.
I couldn’t drink Alcohol free beer if i was paid
having sad that i haven’t tried it since the days of Kalibar which was minging.
i’ll assume it’s a lot better these days
I stopped believing anything the Big Yin said after he did those Kaliber ads. "It's guid lager, ah'm tellin' ye". It is NOT, ye lying barsteward!

The only thing you could drink in those days was Swan Light, which wasn't truly alcohol free but I think only 0.5% and didn't taste quite right but wasn't utter keech either, once you got your head round it.