After Shave Lotion or Cologne?

My current shave for weekdays is mainly Tabac.

To this end i finish with Alum, cold rinse, Hackett PSB (virtually no scent), then Tabac ASL.

The dilemma is this, both the ASL & PSB are getting low and i have already got a bottle of thayers original (alcohol version) with erm.. something (aloe vera i think) on standby to try instead of the balm - but I don't know whether to go with Tabac Cologne or ASL to finish.

My skin type would be best described as meh, normal i suppose and i would like a slightly stronger, lingering scent - but am unsure whether the alcohol in two products might be too much.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated :) .
That Thayers has only 10% alcohol in it, it's very mild I don't think there is anything to worry about. Finish with whatever you want.
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