Advice needed from anyone with experience of PAL adjustable injectors

West Sussex
I recently acquired a PAL adjustable Injector via eBay. I have a question about the adjustment mechanism: The dial does not appear to affect the blade exposure when turned. Also, once moved from the L position, the dial becomes loose and rattly in its movement, and will not stay firmly in place for any other setting.

Is this to be expected? Thanks.
Thanks. The razor is clean and in good shape cosmetically. The adjustment dial doesn't appear to be gunked up or stiff, quite the opposite - it seems loose in anything other than the L setting, as if there is no tension and it isn't catching or moving anything.

Although I've plenty of experience with Schick injectors, I've not had a PAL in my hand before. My understanding of the PAL's adjustment mechanism is that it should move the guard in and out underneath the blade. Nothing can be seen moving on this one.
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