adjustable razors

Helveticum said:
Giving more agressive shaves, that is. It doesn't really get closer than BBS, unless you intend a plastic surgery.

lol, ok dude.

now then, what does more aggressive actually mean, is it blade angle? and if so this results in what?
wetdog said:
now then, what does more aggressive actually mean, is it blade angle? and if so this results in what?

Hi there,

That's a good question. I have a feeling not all people define that term exactly the same as me, so keep that in mind.

In general, the more aggressive the razor, the closer the shave. There's a bunch of variables involved, like weight, head design, and even balance. Then you gotta figure not all razors present the blade to your face with the same angle of attack.

As the razor ramps up in how effectively it whacks whiskers, the blade is felt more on my face. Sometimes extremely efficient razors are just too uncomfortable for me to use. It's not that I can't use em, but that it's unpleasant. Very aggressive types have much less room for error than a milder version. The shave may be closer than shaving with my normal set up, but the discomfort isn't a good trade off.

Anyway, maybe that'll give you something to consider,

wetdog said:
without seeming too stupid what do these jockeys do?

i presume adjust betwix a min and max giving closer shaves.

Hi there,

For me, being able to adjust or dial in the exact amount of bite is a big part of my perfect shave routine. Feeling the blade on my face exactly how I like it....that's a sorta big deal to me.

If only non adjustable razors were, this is better. Of all the razors used over the years, I would say only one perfectly replicates a Gillette adjustable set on #4 (magic number). That's it! Sure, many others come very close, but it ain't the same. It's still excellent shaving with em, but it's not perfect. None of these are as mild.....that's the main problem.

So you should know that my idea of what's aggressive isn't really the norm. Most people seem to like something with more bite, and would normally use a non adjustable of some type preset to a higher setting anyway. The other option is once again the adjustable razor that's dialed in juuust right.

Adjustables are great. Turns a very good shave into a memorable one.

Hope that helps,

Adjustable razors mean you can make the razor more aggressive as your blade becomes more dull.

A fortnight's shaves with one blade is very easily 'do-able'.
joe mcclaine said:
Adjustable razors mean you can make the razor more aggressive as your blade becomes more dull.

As usual Vinnie, your shaving crap expertise is second to none. Good point to bring up for the new guy.

Yes, I usually get between 9-11 shaves per blade with my adjustables. After three shaves or so I bump the number up one. Another three shaves and one more higher number. After around six shaves the blade starts to feel a tiny bit dull, so then the number goes up 2 settings. After about 10 shaves I can really start to feel the beginnings of some pulling.

Guess I just figured everyone knew that about the more shaves thing.
wetdog said:
cheers guys

Oh crap,

I'm sorry......I should have posted a warning in that other post, since you don't know me. I usually do fault.

So there was possibly some things that were taken out of context (good one eh?), or maybe just not quite correct in some way.. It happens sometimes.

Vinnie started it,


sorry dude youve lost me here?

sorry for what?

Some of what Martin (dodgy) said in response to Vinny (joe mclaine) probably wasn't entirely serious.
chrisbell said:
sorry for what?

Some of what Martin (dodgy) said in response to Vinny (joe mclaine) probably wasn't entirely serious.

Thanks Chris,

That is exactly right. Sometimes new guys take things literally, which can be not such a good way.
Actually my post was entirely serious and is based on my own experience with Merkur Progress and Merkur Futur razors.

I can't think of another reason for having adjustability in a razor.