Ad Block for Firefox (Youtube jiggling driving me mad)

As yis know, I don't often venture in here, as I get all intimidated. Normally, I can predict that I won't be able to understand the answers to my question, and will have to fade ignominiously away.
But here I have a question that I think is simple enough even for me. A friend told me that her friend used some ad blocker. So I've Googled it. But wherever I try to download it from, Firefox keeps bringing up scary warning messages about how this might be malicious software.......which I guess it is from where they're coming from.
I've been driven to this by Youtube's recent plethora of bouncing, bobbing, jiggling and REALLY ANNOYING ads on both sides of every video. As if the ads at the start (and sometimes even periodically throughout!!!) weren't bad enough.
Does someone have a link to what they used that didn't cause their computer to spontaneously combust?
And does it work, especially on the increasingly jiggly ones to either side of the videos?
I have add block plus, and don't get these adverts, so yes I guess it works.

If you are running Firefox, then don't download it from anywhere except Firefox themselves.
Click on the Firefox button (top left) and you should see something like "add-ons". (I'm on my phone right now, so trying to guide from memory)
Once the add on menu is up, Search in there for ad block plus. It's icon looks like a stop sign with ABP written in it. Install from there and everything should be fine.

Just remember it will block everything advert-like. Not just you tube. You will be amazed how much cleaner your browsing becomes. But certain websites (like this one) rely on advertising. And when you adblock they lose revenue. So I've set mine to be disabled on certain websites. And if some websites stop working, disable on them too. (the Nike plus running stats website won't work for me, guess ad block thinks the whole thing is advertising nike)
On my Firefox it's Tools, Add Ons. You might be asked which set of filters to subscribe to as I guess there are different catalogues of blocked contents. I went with the default choice and it's fine for me. Once you've got it running you can add an exception for theshavingroom etc.