Acquisitions - November 2022

The postman brought a few things for me today.

First of all, a brush from Yaqi, which they advertised as 'a defective handle'.

Advertised as 20mm knot, but it measures 21.5mm at the base, it has a 54mm loft and a 10mm glue bump, which I'm happy about. I can't see any problem with the handle either. But there is one problem with the brush...

IT IS NOT THE ONE I ORDERED! I ordered one with a different handle! Nonetheless, I'm reasonably pleased with the brush itself, the knot seems to be a good one and I will soon find out how it performs during today's shave. Everytime I order a synth brush, I feel like I have let down @TobyC, I'm sorry fella. I think you might like my next purchase though....

I also took delivery of this...

Which contained the following items

A Bakelite Gillette box and what looks like an unused Culmak brush, is it a horse hair knot? In the box, there is a very nice Flat Bottom Tech, in great condition, it doesn't look like it was used much in the last 80 years.

And another picture with my other Fat Handle Tech (but with the triangular slots) that I've owned for a few years and it is one of the most used razors.


Looks like horse, but I see no triangle slots.

I forgot to say "Cool!" , you don't see flat bottoms over here very often and they're pricy when you do, but the triangle slot gives the same shave, or so I'm told, so I'm content with not having one. Let me know if you feel a difference please.