Acquisitions Mon 9 March - Sun 15 March

Oh my god it's me - the top of the thread - how intimidating!

Got my Werner Pils Razor through this morning - and its flawless, the gold plating is in pristine condition - the TTO works smooth as silk - I popped a blade in and it looks like its more aggressive that most of the TTOs I own - has lengthways ribbing on the handle for grip - the handle style is still typical Pils though - will be using this tomorrow - its in fantastic condition.
Model number on the box is 112NG.



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Ratty said:
Admin - the Acquisitions thread has become split again - is it possible to merge them into one?

Oops! That was me ... I looked and all. Duh! Typical. I saw last week's and so started a new one myself, but this one was started earlier and I missed it. Dizzy me.

Yeah, can we merge 'em?
Today was an excellent day for me as a lot arrived, including some LONG awaited kit from Mother Russia!
A Standard Razor in black arrived today a well and that shiny chubby thing in the middle is courtesy of Mervyn (thanks!!!!)

Also, my star wars slippers arrived, no pic though!:icon_razz:

ps, sorry for the lemming style post in last weeks thread! I blame Paul!!
psps, can we get a monthly thread?
Got two razors in the mail today (well technically a couple of days ago..but I had to go to the post office to pick them up today).

1) A near mint, cased Gillette Rocket HD

This one set me back 30 dollars but it was in such nice condition AND with the case that I couldn't let it slip past me....

2) A Gibbs Plus/Minus razor, also with original case
(The + and - signs indicate what side of the head is more or less aggressive)
This razor takes proprietary blades but luckily, for me, the modification needed is super easy (just trim the edges of any modern DE blade).
It was half price compared to the Rocket - got this one for 16 dollars.

Will be great fun trying them out once I find a slot for them on my s/sheet this year
[attachment=13343][attachment=13344] Nice clean ER 1912 with alloy handle. Hope case is right for a Bathroom Set ?


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I have also seen the one in the foreground in a Peerless plastic box with a 'Peerless' branded cardboard outer. It is most certainly a later Ever Ready and of the same era as the Peerless & Bathroom Set, but I would not be absolutely positive in calling it a 'Peerless' - only once have I seen that handle sold as a Peerless, every other time I've seen a 'Peerless' it had the light hex handle like you have above.

Yes, the one behind is from a Bathroom Set.

If you've got all three, you're building a good collection ...

The light handled 'Peerless' (the hex handle with a chainmail-like pattern, not the bigger chainlink pattern) had a heavy handled ancestor back in the '30s which came in a purple velvet lined chromed case.
Thanks for that info. I do have all 3, acquired when i unexpectedly won a few bids !!
Actually used the " Bathroom" handle on a 1924, and had a great shave.