Acquisitions Mon. 20th Sept. to Sun. 26th Sept. incl.

Glad your stuff is there. My girlfriend said there is a parcel at home from Latvia so that is looking good. Enjoy the bits "k"

Having a bad (good?) week.

This really is a fine brush. A prototype from an unknown location purchased from the owner of a famous English brand of shaving brushes. I really like the shape and feel of the handle -57 mm height, and it has a top quality Super Badger knot as dense as a Rooney Heritage Stubby - 24 mm x 50 mm loft.

And I liked the sample enough to buy 100ml of The Body Shop after shave balm.


Nice brush Fido. :roll: :lol:
I arrived home from work today to find a Package. A small package but perfectly formed, and wonderful wrapped. It contained a perfectly shiny and immensely clean Rocket HD, sent to me from a very generously and kind person from this site. I look forward with great anticipation and excitement to tomorrows shave.
This now brings my tally to 2 vintage Gillette's and a new Merkur 38R.
A massive thank you to a man i will forever hold in the highest regard.
Cheers Sunburyboy93. Can you tell I'm Chuffed.

You are truly welcome mate, and thank you for your kind words, glad you like the Rocket,........hope you enjoy using it on your next Shave
Should have seen your specs in the opening post, 50mm loft with 24mm knot. Sounds like a dense brush, a bit like my Heritage 2/1 although I find that edging on too dense and it does tend to hog the lather. Maybe this will be a little better in that balance of dense, stiffness and ability to generate and release that lather. Looking at the photo it doesn't look scrubby, more a soft tipped Rooney knot.

Good price and well worth the investment for interest sake, let's see if he sells some more through this route.