Acquisitions Mon 19th Jul to Sun 25th Jul incl.

Semogue 1460
Maca Root shave cream and some blade samples

Semogue from vintagescent. Great customer service and a lovely little brush. Soft, not floppy, no pig-funk and looks as cool as you like.
BS cream from slash in a trade (for TOBS that I wasn't getting on with. Thanks slash). Smells great - clean and soapy. Just what I want from a shave cream scent.
An outstanding little brush that goes by the name of “NEW FOREST SUPERIOR BADGER 2201”.

I can see this getting expensive in the long run... :hungrig

Oh, and two new tyres at £130 and a £60 parking ticket :evil:
I believe that you'll like it Bruce. I got one from NPinn when he was clearing out a lot of his good stuff & it is really like the Progress Merkur could have made if they didn't have any financial considerations to bear in mind.

The only item you may treasure more will assuredly be a wife as considerate as that !

Now I'm not normally one to go off topic, but this talk about motoring offences........ I passed my test at 17. Within a few months I got my first ticket, since then I seem to have averaged an offence every 4 years. So after nearly 50 years, that's quite a few. Last time out I was offered the option of a "Driving Appreciation" course for a fee of £60. It was quite a pleasant day out. Not sure that it's slowed me down. But at least I didn't get three points.

Back to acquisitions.
Back on subject.

I got another of Pauls 15C seconds. I found what I think is the fault straight away. Only cos the light caught it. A hair line scratch. At least you know if you buy a normal priced item it will be perfect. If I'd paid full price I wouldn't be complaining. I wont tell Paul at Connaught that. Also got some iridium blades supplied with it, plus I ordered some feathers for my slant.

Also I purchased Shave Shacks Bluebeards revenge shave cream and free Israeli blades, which are my favorite blade.
My first post in the acquisitions topic so here goes:

150 gillette NACET blades from ebay. (got a load in case I like them, if not, watch out for the trade lol)
a top-up of 200 Astra Keramik blades from Paul @ Connaught (before his limited stock runs out and it becomes yet another blade I like and can no longer get) :x
My first of 2 boar brushes - an Omega 10005.

Out of the box it felt harsh and prickly but once wet it was very soft. There was a slight odour from it when wet but I shampoo'd it and hand lathered some soap on it then dryed it with a hair dryer. Now it mainly smells of the soap that I used. I will give it a try tonight but I'm not expecting great results until it's broken in.

The handle feels absolutely lovely. As has been said before about this brush there is a heft in the handle despite the fact that it's wooden. It's also very comfortable to hold.

Bruceonshaving said:
Got a slim and a blue tip in the post.

But the adjuster doesn't turn on the slim. HELP. Anyone got any ideas, please?

Also received my Chinese badger brush which is excellent.

You can try soaking it overnight in warm water with some washing up liquid. That may be enough to loosen any dried up soap scum that's built up. If that doesn't work then you can boil it or stick it in an ultrasonic cleaner if you have one, both of these methods will remove the painted numbers though. You could always touch them up again if need be.

I seem to be needing a lot of things from in here of late! :roll:

I will add that to the list (tub or tube?) along with Ingrams for menthol shave's