Acquisitions, 1st October to 31st October 2015

50 vintage schick ultra platinum blades. no idea what these are going to be like, just took a punt on them.

£3 synthetic chinese brush mentioned on another thread somewhere, nice weighty metal handle on it, ill see how it performs later.
You bugger - I wanted those! They're sharp, very smooth and good for five or more shaves (I usually get two to three form most blades). But if you don't like them sell them to me!
DB - I count that's three you have now. I scoured Ebay searching under silver, silver plated, metal shaving mug etc.etc. and came up with nothing. This is most unfair so I insist on a trade - I have a daughter who is getting on my nerves at the moment - how does that sound?

Btw, that's odd I see 4-5 silver plated antique shaving mugs at any given point....

Hang on there Rob,

Far as DB doing the trade/daughter thing.....good luck with that. Reminds me somehow of Ransom of Red Chief by O Henry.

Anyway, you saw his other posts and yeah he has three now. You wanna be sure to get this latest one NOT used as the other two have been. Helper monkey spittoons, if you remember. Although, I think he mentioned other options without going into detail.

Hah, I keep expecting to see an adorable monkey peeing inna silver mug pic any time!

Well described there fan.
A week ago there was a barber that was selling off some surplus brushes that he had custom ordered from Geo F Trumper.
They were all brand new in their boxes and at $22 I thought it would be fun to pick one up and try it out.

Well, it arrived this week and was, indeed, very much NIB:

I think it's a really neat looking brush and I like the shape of the handle a lot.

What I didn't realize until I got it was that it was a pretty small brush. I guess the travel tube should have given that away
Lucky for me I like smaller brushes as well...

Shown here next to an SOC boar brush for scale: