Acquisitions 1st Mar - 31st Mar 2016

It was my birthday on Sunday so it's been a pretty good week
Some T&H samples (and some none shaving goodies)

Some Wickham's soaps which arrived today and some Quorum that was on offer locally.
Turns out I share a surname with @Fox which I think makes me honour bound to buy lots of soap from him or something.

Picked this up from the sorting office today. This is it before I cleaned and polished it. Bit of a random purchase. First razor acquired in about 3 years. It's cleaned up really well. No manufacturers markings other than 'Made in England' and patent no. 433166.

Interweb suggests it might be a Souplex Double Six but the only ones I can find pics of have a bakelite top plate, my one is metal. Any suggestions as to the identity would be gratefully received. Will have a shave with it in the morning and hope my face doesn't fall off!
Whoa! Congrats man! That's a gathering of the best of the best! Shavemacs, Simpson Manchurian, Wolfman, OneBlade, the works! What a fun incoming indeed!

Yeah brilliant. That looks like it. Simple and cheap. I was going to make my own out of a nice hardwood but I may just get one of these until I get around to it. Thanks. Ferrum.

Hi Wayne, the test tube racks work great and there are a bunch of different styles you can pick up. Another option you may be interested in is

You can usually find them cheaper on eBay. I have two and they're compact and stainless steel so no issues with plating loss. The only downside aside from the price is that they only store 4 razors per rack.
Thanks SS. I'd like to say I like it but it looks like a shed roof. Thanks for thinking of me though I really appreciate it.