Acquisitions 1st January to 31st January 2016

Received the $7.50 Emporio Armani that I even made fun of myself for getting...meaning "what exactly was I thinking when bidding on it..?"

It actually doesn't look half-bad (sure, I'm trying to justify the purchase a bit to myself but humor me) in person.
It's surprisingly heavy and my best guess is that it's pewter.

The brush is almost solid metal and is probably the heaviest handle of any brush that I have

The razor itself was a positive surprise. Albeit very 'clumsy' looking it has a very nice feel to it when holding it.
It'll be fun to try it out.

What also helped making it a 'better deal' was the fact that the seller kindly, for free, added 20+ Atra catridges that probably. by themselves, are worth the $7.50