Acquisitions 1st Feb - 29th Feb 2016

The Steve Wood head scuttle turned up today - it's a beautiful piece of work. The iKon razor was a forum buy from last week - described by the seller as mild but I found it a really nice close shaver - used a Kai blade for a couple of days running.
Found this in a shop in Brighton. It's a wee bit different from my other 1924.
Made in Britain Patent number 14526/09. For £18 I had to have it.

Ha! Frankenset!

That's a 1909 (see also Yankee Razor) in a 'Brilliant Set' case from an entirely different era.

Tuh! Only in Brighton, eh?

Personally, I find the shave "better" than the 1924 which clearly took its inspiration from this razor. An earlier patent, forgotten and revived. Great to have the original ... and better.

Well done, chap.