Acquisitions 1st April - 30th April

I just got a small covered Wedgwood china bowl, mainly just for sentimental reasons. In the days just before WWII, the two British Wedgwood brothers were said to have flipped a coin, the winner taking over control of the china factory and the loser heading to America, where he became one of my dad's roommates at Harvard. Years later he was on the medical school faculty at the University of Washington when I began my premed studies, and I worked part-time in his immunology lab, where he became one of my mentors, influencing my eventual specialization in clinical immunology. And an added bonus is that the bowl is the perfect size for a regular puck of shaving soap.
That's not only a really cool looking bowl, the personal story is really touching as well. We never know how something as insignificant as a coin toss can change someone's life halfway across the world.
Nice background story and the bowl looks like a piece of art.
First aid has always been on the scout radar though, hasn't it?

Absolutely, but not always to the level of carrying a first aid kit. Of course there's also things like epi pens and inhalers you have to be aware of.

Always a big one for me though First Aid. Within the badge programme I do it every year. Twice now the training have given has helped with burns, both saving people from skin grafts.

Strange thing is I'm trained more in first aid through scouting than I have as a work Cert holder. The work one doesn't go into epi pens and a few other points.

My favorite frankenrazors have a Stahly head stuck on em and I kept expecting to find another Stahly in the wild for very little cash.....probably not even vibrating anymore. Finally after no luck for a bunch of years I hit the Buy button onna mint looking one from ebay. This one doesn't vibrate and I bought it after asking for an even lower discounted price since the heavy handle doesn't need to be shipped.

From the pics, that chrome plated head looks mint. Nice having a back up after so long of living on the edge.....heh.
