Acquisitions - 10th to the 16th Jan 2011

Quite a few things turned up today.

A boxed #66 Aristocrat complete with Aristocrat blades and blade holder. In very good condition, the razor looks perfect. I've never seen these blades before. The blade holder and the blades themselves have Aristocrat printed on them.

A Wee Scot from over5feet. Thanks Michael. I knew it was a small brush but I'm shocked at how small it is in real life. I'll be interested to see how it performs.

Two knots from The Golden Nib. A 20mm Super Badger hair fan shaped knot with extra hair and an 18mm Best Badger hair knot. Ordered last Friday so really quick delivery. The 20mm knot is a smidgen too wide for the handle, so I might have to make the opening a bit wider or get a custom made.


I agree the box is huge, glad I got one when I did, £7.70 delivered in 2 days for free now £19.00..........smells nice, will have to see how it lathers.
Went into TOBS for the last knockings of the sale (5 mins before they shut.. :shock: ) and got nice pure badger travel brush with case, 2 x tubes shaving cream (Jermyn St & Sandalwood) and 2x Bay Rum for just over £30.00........... now have to stop going to that street..........well for a while....
CanucksTraveller said:
^^ Sounds like you might have got the same brush as me... look back 1 page!

I did and for 18 quid quite a bargain they were as well, just gave it it's 1st test lather.............lots of lather for such a small brush !!