Acquisitions - 10th to the 16th Jan 2011

scottymac said:
A couple of packets of super thins and the same of black 7 0 clocks from Connaught.
Ordered yesterday and arrived first thing this morning,excellent service.

That is really quick delivery when you consider how far distance-wise Connaught is from you!
100 Gillette 7 o'clock yellow (Russian).
100 Gillette 7 o'clock green (Russian).
In the post yesterday from a keen priced eBay seller. Plus 100 more of each on the way.

A bargain new Merkur 23c from one of our very own members.
In the post today along with a very generous amount of free blades and a tube of some funky looking shave cream from India.
Where to start :lol:
Today the postman brought me,
A Parker 91r
A Progress Vulfix 660 brush
5 samples of different shaving creams
A selection of blades
A Corduroy by Zirh travel pack

I just need to decide what combination of new things to try :shave
I received a Stealth PIF Of soap in a wooden bowl, now off the postcode I think it was Slash, but who ever you are, thank you.
Received today from Yellow-Jim: Maca Root Shave Cream & Balm c/o BST.

This means my intention of only maybe buying a brush this year has been well and truly knackered as in less than 12 days i have already bought: a Soap, a Cream, a Balm and a Razor (- which i only bought as a spare cos i already have one identical + a Parat).

This could be an expensive year, or a very short one!

I know the feeling, just placed an order for an Emperor E2 in 2 band via BandH, if I didn't have a balance on the paypal account I'd be feeling WRAF wrath from SWMBO!

Not much good at keeping to my good intentions either. I said no more razors for a while and sat next to me is a "58 TV is VERY shiny though............ :? :?

Ouch, WRAF-Attack!! I have 3 working for me, i am only safe 1 week a month. I have asked them to synchronize, but to no avail