Acquisitions 1 June - 30 June 2016

Received an unexpected gift in the mail - various shaving goodies

- Three Soap Commander tester soaps - yellow, green, pink
- One Bey Shave Aftershave and Vigorating skin tonic
- One Brewtastic "Milk Stout Beer & Oatmeal" shave soap
- One Mickey Lee Soapworks "Ruby's Green"
- One OSP shaving soap "Bay Rum scented"
- One BIG tub of Catie's Bubbles Citrus/Cypress/Amyris shaving soap - that smells amazing

The goodies from Plisson in France are here:

- The brush brings mixed feelings. Size 12 in the Plisson scale, I suppose that if I spend a week searching on the net for 6 hrs/day I may find how the frog scale relates to the more-or-less common standards the rest of the civilised world has. Without doubt these people are terrific engineers whether we talk about trains, cars, I.C. engines, you name it. But it's stuff like that (i.e. "shave brush size 12") which confirms the virtue of being odd as being a specialty.

- The Joris has a specially mild, sea-breeze powdery scent.

- The Plisson soap (in the beautiful porcelain bowl) is like putting your nose in a container full of mild citrus/lemon.

- The Plisson balm is again very mild in scent and similar to the soap by Joris.

- I expected this "Ferrari red" brush to be just like my RazoRock Plissoft Barber's (24mm knot). No. It's much less dense and offers considerably weaker backbone. Should be a wonderful brush for its own merits but for a much smaller knot dia. (should be 22mm or 23mm at most) and at €92 retail I'm sorry, they can keep their French elegance to themselves. I got it for 20% off on their Father's Day offer but still...

- The whole package and presentation is exquisite, but it's the balm, the two soaps with the porcelain soap and also the Ferrari red brush that stay. The boxes are just boxes, luxury or not.

- The "Toulouse Olympics 2088" or whatnot futuristic brush stand is chromed brass.

- Both soaps fit well into the truly wonderful porcelain bowl.


That's some haul.
Love the look of the porcelain bowl and sounds like the soap smells pretty good as well.