Acquisitions 1 August - 31 August

My Hone 15a in black turned up today. The box and wrapper were nicely gouged by some clown, somewhere in its travels, but it's here, and will get a go tomorrow.

View attachment 20404

Any chance you could post your thoughts on it please?

I nearly pulled the trigger on it last night. I'm really tempted but unsure about the weight.
I really like the look of the brass version and the aluminum one, decisions decisions.

Anyway, very cool razor and I hope you're happy with it.
Thanks. I've got the brass Hone version, and in the past, I haven't really much liked all-aluminium razors with special fixings (i.e. ones which won't easily take standard thread interchangeable handles). However, the Standard DE went some way to changing that.

I chose the long handled Hone version, which weighs 60g. That compares to a Standard at 46g. Just handling it out of the box, the balance is pretty good, with enough in the handle to satisfy my preference for that. Of course, 60g is nothing compared to the brass version at 164g, which is by far the heaviest razor I've got (excluding heads used with jumbo stainless handles, and other oddities).

I'll be using it for the next three days, by which time my incoming Rocnel SE50 should have arrived and I'll be giving that a whirl. I plan to give my first impressions as I go on with the Hone.

Great thank you. It would be great if you can compare the two types. I'm not sure about the weight.
I've just bought a ATT R1 and love the extra weight compared to my Merkur 34c.
