Acquisition Disorder: Any Known Cures?

I have been DE shaving only since 30th April this year. Partly due to the advice and generosity of this forum, and partly due to my own obsessive tendencies I now find myself with two razors and, (when various bits arrive) 6 creams/soaps.

I attempt to justify this by telling myself I am taking advantage of bargains as they appear (the most expensive was £6 delivered), planning ahead and that one of them was from the recent Simpsons Giveaway. I promise myself that I will now purchase only blades until the soap mountain is severely impacted.

Can I be cured? Is there any hope Doctor?
I can see your concern, but I'm surprised you've only got two razors, your doing very well to resist buying more of them.

But now you've typed that, the enablers have the potential to start on you, there a strange bunch, and from what I can gather they like a challenge. :dodgy:

Have fun!

Fido said:
You think you may have problems. This is just a small section of this addict's shaving brush collection:

Took me awhile to realise that there's a mirror in that photograph!

The only way to get over AD i found is to buy everything you want to try, then sell the not so good stuff on.

It worked for me with soaps, aftershaves & pot metal razors (Merkurs & Muhle), I haven't got to the point where i can sell off any of my vintage stuff yet.
Gravy said:
The only way to get over AD i found is to buy everything you want to try, then sell the not so good stuff on.

I haven't got to the point where i can sell off any of my vintage stuff yet.

You and me both.There's a bunch of vintage razors in the arsenal annex that never get wet because of how they fit me. For whatever the reason, I have a real hard time parting with any of those. Sheesh.

Some of you foreigners might know that shaving crap in the US is quite often LOTS less than what you guys normally pay....razors especially. Matter of fact, the bait shop called me recently about a few more buckets full of sinkers (vintage Gillettes used for fishing weights) having just arrived. The store said there's a bunch this time with numbers on em. These are usually sold in bulk, priced by the weight.

My solution is to budget. For a long while my monthly treat was a nice Chinese meal. I decided to stop this and put my dosh somewhere else.

So it use to be £15/month which is now the limited fund for the AD.

So far in May spent around £5, and my next purchase in order to use my budget is:

A tub of Biotique Palmyra shave cream from Amazon @ £3.87

1 small bottle of Alcolado @ £4.5

Cold turkey after that.