AC Razors/Razor Blades Noob..


Deleted member 12673

Hello people so I've used a shavettes since my teens and a double edge razor since say 2016 roughly,
Recently tried out single edge razors like the yaqi katana and the twig

Now I know hardly anything about AC Razors/Razor Blades

So yea which AC razors are good for a noob like it?

Also what AC Razor Blades are good too?

I do appreciate blades can be subjective

@pjgh just remembered to create this thread after brief chit chat about these razors
The Razorock Hawk V2 (aluminium, pretty cheap) or V3 (stainles, more expensive) are good starting points. In fact they're really good razors, if not quite as refined as the Colonial General and Blackland Vector. The last two are both very nice razors, but expensive and hard to get hold of in the UK right now.
Also worth considering is the ATT SE1. I really like the aluminium version of this, but I think even that is around the £100 mark now. Another option would be to wait for the new version of the Executive Shaving Claymore to hit the market, but since nobody I know of has seen it yet that would be a bit of a gamble. Also its launch has been delayed.
Ideally I like the Kai Pink blades in the SE1, Feather Super Professionals in the Vector and General and Schick Prolines in the Hawk V3. However, I can get an excellent shave with any of these blades in any AC razor. Kai Captains and Feather Pros are also perfectly decent.
yea the main one i heard of is the blackland vector and thats becaus eim sure the guy who makes them is on the forums, i think off the top of my head

how comes theyre hard to get a hold of in the uk?

i have noticed though in the sales section of the forums that the blackland vector does get sold quite quickly

how does the sharpness of AC baldes compare to DE blades?

whats classed as the sharpest AC blade do you know?
The Vector and General are both made in the States, in fairly limited quantities, so have to be imported individually when available. The Vector is sometimes sold by a UK vendor, but only occasionally and they tend to sell out pretty quickly.
To me AC blades feel sharper than DE ones, but that mght be because of their greater rigidity. I'm pretty sure they keep a good edge for longer, maybe because of their thickness and the way they're ground.
All AC blades are very sharp, but some are more 'aggressive' than others because they're deeper from front to back and so give more exposure. The Feather Super Pro is supposed to be the most aggressive, and I think it is. It's also very sharp, but then so is the Kai Pink which is actaully one of the least aggressive.