Abu Hamza and four others to be deported

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I don't think this particular post can be improved upon - is says in a very direct way what the vast majority of people in this country think.

Count - there comes a time when even the most liberal of people's patience is exhausted and I truly believe we reached that point long ago as far as this person (and the other 4) are concerned. It's nothing to do with his looks - it's everything to do with the hatred he preached and, which, he was allowed to do with impunity for so long. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking to America to provide the answer - but at least they may have the balls to call a spade a spade.
Coming back into this thread... I'd just like to point out that we should never, ever, ever have laws that are targeted against one person or designed for one particular circumstance like this.

By all means tighten the law up as long as we don't end up doing more harm than good, but let's not do New Labour type laws where they have pensioner hecklers at their own party conference the first victim of anti-terrorism laws (I think that's what happened, I may be wrong).
Surely that's why lawyers (the single, largest party in the House of Commons at any given moment) almost invariably argue for statute as against common law. If you are in power statute law can be abused (as in the case of the pensioner cited) using the excuse that "that's what the law says" whilst if you are on the defence side discussions in courts tend to descend into the farce of debate about definitions and applications. Eg, when a uniformed cop chases a fleeing driver and catches them, is she or he still in uniform if their cap fell off. Loads of legal aid hours to be paid once the definition of "uniform" starts.
But then, the criminal law is, after all, about reaching a judgement rather than reaching justice, my view.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
The one thing that so very much pleases me is the fact he's leaving a soft pathetic British prison system that as the highest levels of drug use access to TV Sky sports and mobile phones and just a just left to their own devices, now American prison systems are run along strict military lines boy are those bunch of no good mother fuckers in for a shock.


Yes sir, the Americans know how to do prison, that's for sure! I bet the there's a few prisoners just dying to get their hands on them, too!
I totally agree with Jamie, they are in for a real awakening & their bigoted beliefs won't help them over there. They won't get special treatment inside a US prison, they really don't mess about in those places. It's a great shame that we didn't deal with properly over here to begin with though & I'm not even going to start on our pathetic prison system & all the 'rights' that the inmates now enjoy.
There seems to be a VERY blinkered, uninformed view of the US prison ststem, and UKs for that matter. Before the privatisations, Prisons were a part of the penal system, now largely in name only, they are profit centres. Not serving the public good, but profitting the very few. It should be for the Courts to sentence, not G4S, Serco etc.
As for legal system, we now have the first unqualified (uninformed, uneducated?) Lord Chancellor in 1400 years. In a few months the poor will have no access to the Law for financial or housing issues, unless a well conneceted pro-bono can be found.
Tory voters should be locked up for Treason, selling the State at bargain prices to a small circle of largely non-nationals.
Labour, Lib Dem, Green, UKIP, NF voters should be incarcerated for being deluded.
Most importantly, anyone who doesn't vote should be taxed at 98% on all assets and income.

A rant, I know, but how can we discuss these matters when it depends on what newspaper owners vested interest tainted the story you read? At school 40 years ago we cut out the "same" story from each newspaper. As you can imagine, totally nonsensical if read together.
NB IF there had been a strong legal case against Hamsa etc, rather than "outrage", they would have faced Justiice many, many years ago, unless they were 'agents of the state', in which case they would get a large pension from public funds. Perhaps the truth isn't black and white!
As in all these cases, if you don't/can't quote the St Davids Hotel, it is difficult to have a balanced, consistent view.
Who on Earth believes that anyone is stripped of bigotted views in the USA. Jeez - there's no hope for some people!
I'm voting for the Lloyd party! Don't WTF it means but it sure does sound reeeeal good, man.

Right then, my understanding is as follows: vote for that lot and lose 98% of everything or go to jail because my belief in a united Great Britain stops me from voting for the SNP?

Aye, its a braw bird the puddock!

Hearts of oak are our ships,
Hearts of oak are our men,
We always are ready, steady boys, steady

Yours, in need of a shave,
The Gairdner

Yeah Lloyd, it's a rant, but a pretty darn accurate one, Newspapers and tv/radio stations will often have their own hidden agenda, and you sure can't take much of anything at face value. As you know, you always gotta consider the source. Fox is a good example of what I mean.

As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I'm not familiar with most of those people who were deported. It does seem though, that at least one of em may have a good point regarding his own situation. To group em all together may not be the fairest way in this case. Then of course, you gotta do some digging to see who's actually driving that horse, and for what reason. Sheeeesh.


Lloyd as usual your posts make very difficult reading - I havn't got a clue what you are trying to say so please be more open, and less obtuse in your comments.

If this is not possible then please fuck off.

I decided to edit these comments on reflection Lloyd - so what I meant to say was please fuck off and annoy someone else.
UKRob said:
Lloyd as usual your posts make very difficult reading - I havn't got a clue what you are trying to say so please be more open, and less obtuse in your comments.

If this is not possible then please fuck off.

What's doin Rob,

Heh, that's one of the things I like about you Limeys and other foreigner types .Very polite. Guys from the US wouldn't say please.

Don't you guys sometimes use some kinda cute little ** sorta thing in cases like this? Should it maybe read "please fuck o** instead? That way no one knows you're using a bad phrase.

Very subtle,

I'm terribly sorry to impose on you, but with the greatest possible respect, could I ask you kindly to take a fuck to yourself? I do apologise for my bluntness.
I think if that's delivered correctly then it's far more satisfying and effective than.
Yo, fuck you man, y'all.
Or if you want it from someone from Glasgow then I'm reliably told that me screaming
I'll kick your fucking cunt in.
Will put cold chills down any non-Scottish spine.
How wonderful to share a thread with some intellectual giants. Perhaps I'll learn something about irony.
I'm having real dificulty understanding some of the hatred against someone guilty of inciting hatred, and my grey cells struggle with the rationale of sending someone accused of kidnap, conspiracy to extrajudicial killing and religious hatred to a country that freely and openly currently commits and condones this behaviour.
I could understand it coming from Ayn Rand quoting neocons, but from some people who appear to confuse Magna Carta with Magners, it isn't political debate.

Try reading about Syed Fahad Hashmi, then the whole mantra of "if you do nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear" wringing of hands, is what it's always been, a licence to lynchings.
I'm no "liberal bleeding heart", but wars and prisons for profit?
Emperors new clothes anyone, or a few hectares of swampland?
Just like communist dictators really. Current neocon aims are VERY similar to Marxism, just a diferent criminal gang in charge.
Maybe I should try putting some Molotov cocktails in the "Buy/Sell/Trade??!! Anyone?
Lloyd's last post is actually pretty much on the money. Regardless of how much we detest Abu Hamza for facilitating terror at the expense of the British public... sending him to the USA where we know justice is not going to be done is not right.
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