Above The Tie Slants

I'm in two minds. I'd prefer to order atlas + s2 AND kronos + S1 and then decide which one to keep and return the other. Just not sure if this is allowed?

I've tried 1 OC before, a very old gillette (non slant) and it felt strange after using regular DEs for so long. I have the impression the OCs are a bit more aggressive. I've read many reviews over the last few days saying the closed comb is a tad smoother than the OC. I'm just not sure to be honest.

My first choice was to order the S1/S2 combo from the States, but there's a 2 week wait
Just received my S2 kronos from the postman.

Looks absolutely stunning and as people have reported, the workmanship/machining is outstanding.
Got my S1 Kronos yesterday morning. Though it arrived after I had already shaved. So this morning I could hardly wait to shave. Loaded with a Personna Lab Blue it gave a very smooth, close shave. Blade hardly felt as though as it was touching my face. Got to say, it was well worth it. I may now have to try and source a R1 plate.

I can second this experience. I received my S1 from a fellow member a couple of days ago and tried it this morning. I also used a Lab Blue, and had to keep checking that I had put a blade in there. Scarily smooth and efficient. Definite game changer.
Re: RE: Above The Tie Slants

Have to agree with sentiments here. Having begged, borrowed and purchased quite a few different slants from different makers, I finally received my package from the states. I ordered the ATT travel case and a few more bits and pieces which you cannot buy in the UK. If I was getting just the head and handle, I would have ordered from ES as they were only a tenner more than ordering from the states. I think buying from ES comes to just under £150.

Very pleased with S1/Atlas combination. As widely reported, the handle is a beauty. Stunning piece of craftsmenship and the cutting action is very smooth and efficient at the same time. Took me 5 shaves or so to get use to the extra weight of stainless steel. Razor has gone straight to the top of my list. Surprisingly, the merkurs are second choice and shows how great they are vslue-for-money wise. However, my trusty 37c is losing some of it's pot metal plating, but still provides a decent shave.

Big thank you to TSR, the guys on this thread and those who PM'd me your ATT recommendations.
The S1 Atlas is my desert island razor for sure. I bought both the S1 and S2 plates, and I'm delighted to have them both, but the S1 has a very slight advantage in smoothness for me.

My trusty 37C is beginning to show a little wear too, but I think of it as my Jeep, whereas my ATT is a Maserati.

Both great ~ Both fun
I would really love to get an ATT razor (birthday present to myself!!). I presently have a Shavecraft 102 with special edition handle. I was lucky enough to get that from ebay for about GBP40. Overall quite impressed with this set-up, but in terms of looks it seems ATT looks nicer (yes if I'm going to spend serious money on a razor, looks are important as well).

From reading this thread it seems in terms of shaving the S1 head will give a very similar shave to the 102 head. If that's the case I may forgo getting an ATT slant and maybe getting one of their standard heads. Or does the S1 actually differ in terms of shave from the 102?
Re: RE: Above The Tie Slants

S1 is different. In many people's view, including mine, there is no comparison. ATT is miles better. Smoother and much more efficient.
Then there's the 'non-shaving' aspects: the S1 feels better because of the materials used and finishing. I found it far more intuitive to shave with and it looks better, but this last bit is subjective.

HOWEVER, if the iKon works for you then no real need to go for an ATT.

See the first few posts here from guys who have used both:

The S2 on the colossus is far too aggressive a shave IMO. On an Atlas handle the S2 is still very efficient/aggressive. I would personally suggest a Kronos handle and R2 plate, it is a magnificent combination.
I was thinking that it may be too aggressive with this handle, is there anywhere in the UK that sell different ATT handle's? I've only seen the Colossus for sale separately.
I was thinking that it may be too aggressive with this handle, is there anywhere in the UK that sell different ATT handle's? I've only seen the Colossus for sale separately.
When I wanted a different one, I couldn't find any in the UK. You're probably better off looking at other ss handles like Windrose, unless you buy an ATT direct from them.
I've got an S2 Colossus incoming, has anyone tried this combination?
I have an S2 on a Dr. Bomber handle so similar length/weight and I love it. I'm finding Astra SP's and Gillette Spoilers are working well for me. I'm struggling to decide which I prefer between this and the blackbird.
I have an S2 on a Dr. Bomber handle so similar length/weight and I love it. I'm finding Astra SP's and Gillette Spoilers are working well for me. I'm struggling to decide which I prefer between this and the blackbird.
I bought the S1 and S2 heads "kit" direct from ATT, which came without a handle. My preferred handle is a UFO Kaiser long, or a stainless I got from shaving.ie. +1 for the Astras.