ABove The Tie Gem G1.

I fancied a gem style razor, wanted shiny new versus vintage, ATT have a solid rep and the photos pre release caught me eye, did not have an ATT yet, not a cheap razor (£154 est) and I broke my rules on importing again as I always get stung, this time total £45.

First go last night, made one full pass using the new P&B Obsidian, a couple of down strokes of the second pass and the razor was substituted, just not cutting enough, used another razor to carry on.

Another member had pointed me on a couple of forums showing the topic, cheers Derrick. It seems Stan is making another plate. I can of course return for a refund or wait for the plate, I have emailed ATT, awaiting a reply. Its a beatiful bit of kit, I think I will wait. It just seems to me that it has not been tested properly before release, just too mild.

More photos to follow..
I was wondering if it was worth the time and effort to actually unwrap the razor and try it or just return it to Stan , the only things really putting me off doing that was the hefty £45 odd Customs charge and the willingness of Stan to correct the mistake by making a replacement plate .
Does he say he is automatically going to send us the new plate Chris ? and I hope one way or another that we do not incur any further import charges .
If the replacement plate does not work I know I have seen Stan stating somewhere that the 30 day return policy is extended .
Nice post , thank's .
Not that I have either, but I follow the new Gem SE's releases and reviews closely.
While the Sabre is more aggressive than the ATT Gem, some users are finding it still not aggressive enough. Shane is working on a more efficient base plate on the Sabre which will be released soon.
I find the Sabre to be just right for me but it's great that Shane is working on a more efficient base plate for those who require a little more bite. Well done Shane.
By the sound of the reply I think he will just send a new plate, but may depend on you making contact, I will follow up the email in a couple of weeks Derrick, keep you posted.

I almost chose the Blackland but looks went for the Tie, Im sure Stan will deliver!