A Swede says hi!

Hello gentlemens! I have been wetshaving for lil over a year now, and of course Im still learning and improving my technique. I've been hanging mostly on Badger & Blade forum. But since im from Sweden i thought it where better to be on a forum that mostly the members are from Europe. So here I am and you guys seem to have a great knowledge and expertise in the whole DE/wetshaving area.

Since Im a student for the moment I can't buy brushes, DE-razors, creams etc in the rate I really would like. But im pleased with my equipment I got at the moment, an Edwin Jagger DE89, EJ Brush and with my new favourite creams (Trumper GFT and Limes) I got fantastic shaves with no nicks.

And of course I have replaced my merkur blades with some better ones


There are a few swedes on the forum, so you're not alone!
Nice setup, and you don't have to spend tons like us
Cheap & good things can be found on BST when you get the urge (brushes etc..)


welcome.. you have a nice set of kit there... and to be honest, more than most people will ever need to shave well for the rest of their lives. be happy, and enjoy it