A shave at The Gentleman's Shop

Tony my shave with the steam machine was a shavette and a half wilkinson blade, if I remember correctly.It was all done with the shavette, no M3 involved.While I was researching barbers I happened on a guy's website who actually had a webcam in his shop.I was about to book then saw him shave a customer.The whole thing was M3, I couldn't believe it.Anyway I really enjoyed it and it was very comfortable,my best man loved it too and he electric shaves because wet shaving gives him irritation on the neck.He said he never felt a thing.I reckon it is down to the skill of your barber.It was £10 and took about 20-25 mins so I would say roughly the same cost as Robert in Hungerford. Audio get yourself in to the west end and see Luigi!!! It is a must, no business reason needed :lol: