A Seriously Bad Reaction to a Shaving Cream

Monday February 23, 2015
Rebublic of Scotland
I just thought I would warn folks what could or might happen if they get a bad reaction to a particular fragrance or chemical/chemical composition in a particular shaving product....These symptoms can be caused by a particular Pre shave, aftershave or a Cologne product...

My bad reaction was towards Palmolive Shaving Cream...I am not having a go at this product as most folks get on fine with it by all accounts...We are all different and I just experienced a particularly bad reaction to this stuff...

My bad reaction included...
Hyper Itchy Face
Felt like ants crawling over my head
My nostrils were hyper itchy
My eyes and ears were itchy
Blurred vision

Moderate to Severe mood swings....
Light headache
Short tempered
Shortened breath
General Bad Karma

It has been known for thousands of years that particular fragrance's can enhance ones mood and have been used in religious and spiritual practices throughout the world....We now live in an age where we are unwittingly getting bombarded with Cooperate Chemicals and man made fragrances that can do us harm...Even natural fragrances can cause us harm....

This was my own fault as I could smell the fragrance in this particular product and used it against my better judgement...

A Bad Reaction Can go Deeper than the Surface of your Skin....

This short article is worth a read....

Thats such a shame as you are missing out on one of the best shave soaps there Is.
Feckin' 'eck, Billy Boy! Yon's proper scunnered ye.

I've not had quite as bad a reaction as that but there are one or two things out there that I've tried that gave me swollen red and itchy chops. I'd give you a 'like' but that would seem as if I enjoyed your pain....
I don't get on with the translucent glycerine based type soaps be it either the shaving variety or plain soap like Pears. They seems to dry out my skin very quickly and leave it feeling hot, itchy and irritated. Nowt like Billy Boy's karma killer above but enought to steer well clear of. Alas, Mitchell's Wool Fat give me a similar experience although not quite as bad.

@chrisbell , I remember you talking of your intolerance of lime oil. A shame for it is such a refreshing summery fragrance.
Bad n
Aye, I did have a seriously bad reaction to this stuff...Nearly put me off shaving to be honest...

Bad news indeed.I actually bought a tube of it in morrisons yesterday & have only used it once many years ago.My skin is very sensitive so I'm going to be VERY careful with this.A bad reaction after a shave can completely ruin your day or as long as it lasts can't it.I once had a flair up that lasted almost a week.It was that bad that I was getting up in the night & putting salt water on to try & dry it out,used hydrogen peroxide,aloa Vera gel..it was fxxxing awful.Ended up going to the chemist to buy a special itch cream that got rid of it.Infact I had to use a disposable until it went.Pure hell.
soooo I take it the dour Scotsman didn't like having to spend the price of a tub of trumpers on itch creams because he bought a 50 p tube of shave cream?

SOMETIMES I will admit cost is secondary, performance is everything. That's why I don't buy arko, or merkur blades.