A motor cycle for a mature gentleman - don't laugh!

I've decided to revert to one bike. I'm enjoying the Guzzi much more than the Enfield so it's time to move on and focus on the better bike. It's going back to the dealer on a sale or return deal. By next spring I will know if the V7 will be a keeper.

Must rush. The sun's out.
Fido said:
This much for a 125cc scooter?


With a comparable new Chinese one going for $750US you can see why the Italian economy is having its problems!
OoHi Pete. We're you out on the bike today at about 11.30 heading from sway towards brockenhurst.
I'm down with the van for a couple of days and whilst heading towards sammy millers Museum I thought I saw you pass me heading in the other direction.
If it was you hope you enjoyed the ride.
Typed from the pub on the old quay at lymington.

At around exactly that time today, I took a quick ride from Sway to Brockenhurst and came back on the Burley road. And I paid quick visit to Sammy Millers Museum a couple of days back.

It's a small world!

Really enjoying the Guzzi now - spending more time in lower gears. It's such a lively ride!
Wait a min.!! The first photo! The 4/5/6 guy in on the curb. Think he was the one driving the car!.... No, guess not...
Be a month in a couple of days. Nothing on the insurance for my accident yet.
Thinking is turning negative-(.
I very small world indeed. Quiet spooky considering we have never met that I recognised you on the bike.
Glad you enjoyed the ride, I understand its been a little wet the last couple of days. Sammy's was great. Will have to bring my dad for a day out.
Is turning negative. The rent a car is now saying I'm at fault for having an accident with myself but they want me to pay for imaginary damages to their rent a car that was never damaged.
When I ask if they read the police report that was sent... They say ' police report ?? There's a police report??
Hope the NSA has this whole thing on film!

Stick in there Johnus, as with here no doubt they try it on. They can't argue too much with a Police report. Did the Police ticket the other guy, can you get a ticket for bad driving over there ? They couldn't argue with that too.
My partner Chrissie is definitely not a mature gentleman...but I may qualify!!
We went shopping today and ended up with this:

A brand spanking new Suzuki Inazuma 250.
As she is a bit of a short a**e......she cant ride it until the seat is skimmed. Of course I did the gentlemanly thing and rode it the 60 miles to our home!

Yes, it states that he caused the accident , I had the right of way and that he was ticketed. Believe where the problem is developing is that he never reported it when he returned the rental car. Which was ~300miles away in a different state. The rent a car company would not let me file from the office where the accident took place and is insisting that it paper work be started at the office where the car was rented from. Wouldn't have been a problem if the guy was honest and reported it. Now I have to rely on that office manager who seems not to be that concerned.

19th a positive! The Company called me yesterday... And... Someone should be out this week to look at it. May be!

Great pic. Someone looks happy! When I show this to my 16 year old grandaughter when she gets up I can hear her now: "That is so cool." This is her yesterday:

Quick update. An appraiser (?) from the co. finally came yesterday. Took 6 photos, said she'd 'send them in and we'll see what happens'.
Not getting that warm cozy feeling!
I hope people don't mind me posting a link to my friend Jo's Face Book page; she suffers from scoliosis. It wasn't treated properly when she was young, and now that she's not so young, it has deteriorated and causes her major problems. Strangely though, she can ride her push bike fine, and even finds it therapeutic. She says it has the effect of wearing a brace without actually wearing one. She has designed some disabled stickers for bike riders. I know they aren't 'official', but thought I'ld post in case anyone is interested. I guess there might be quite a lot of people who can ride a bike o.k. but have mobility problems. She lives in France, but I don't think postage would be much as it's only a sticker. If anyone is interested, feel free to PM me and I could have several posted to me for onward posting, if there were enough people interested to make that cheaper.
So here's the link https://www.facebook.com/jopublick?fref=ts
Johnus - I feel your pain. Have you ever watched Erin Brokovich? Throwing a mad car hire company into the mix doesn't sound good at all. Double trouble.
Last of the saga, almost, notified today that the insurance co. has made a determination on the amount of the damage. it will be exceeding the current value of the scooter. They have yet to determine that exact value. Computations should be done next week and a check written. ~ 2 months after the accident.
We'll see what the next will be.