A motor cycle for a mature gentleman - don't laugh!

Glad to see your alright that's the main thing.
Thank you, starting to feel the 'road burn' on the elbows a little more. It could have been a lot worse.
What kind of annoys me it that the guy never even got out of the car to see if I was ok. I think if I did leave the bike down and go up to his window he would have driven off. Good thing the police came as fast as they did.

I'm so sorry to hear about this.

Shortly after I returned to motorcycling an experienced rider got killed on a road I travel. He applied his brakes too quickly after spotting a police car.
Then a cyclist died near my home after falling into the path of a car having hit a pothole.

I didn't need these reminders of the dangers but they reinforced my determination to ride cautiously at all times and to do all I could to reduce accident risk.

I do hope this hasn't put you off.
Fido said:
I didn't need these reminders of the dangers but they reinforced my determination to ride cautiously at all times and to do all I could to reduce accident risk.

A lesson we all should keep in mind! Especially the commuters who ride daily ... it is so easy to slip into a routine.

Johnus, I'm glad to hear you're relatively OK!
Thank you for the notes. The one thing it also reminded me to do was wear some 'heavier' clothing when I ride. I was going for a haircut just down the street and it was a warm day so I didn't want to wear a jacket. The road burn will remind me not to do that again.
Short update. Feeling better, still no resolution on insurance. The car was a rental info was sent into the company ~5 days ago.
Fido said:
New Honda CB 1100

It's too big. I haven't got room for a third. All that extra cleaning. No, no,no.

It's razors and brushes all over again.

It is admirable how Honda modernised this retro bike!

Personally I'd love to have a modern version of the CB750 back.
Late to the party but glad you came out intact and are healing, Johnus.

I was in transit yesterday, stopped for lunch, six Harleys throbbed into the car park - could feel them from miles away. Knew the riders were upward of middle-aged because of the gear they were wearing - don't like getting cold and don't like road-rash. It takes a four-stroke to sound like a bike to me!
Just an update. Still dealing with the rent a car co. Resubmitted the accident reports to the office were the perp rent the car from. That was Monday, I'll wait till Friday before I think about what my next move will be!-(
Bechet45 said:
Knew the riders were upward of middle-aged because of the gear they were wearing - don't like getting cold and don't like road-rash. It takes a four-stroke to sound like a bike to me!

I didn't like to get cold or road-rashes when I was below middle age as well

My current commuter outfit is all Goretex, and my current motorbike has heated grips ... next step is a heated vest