A Month In !


I have now been DE shaving for about a month and initially was very skeptical that this was a good road to take ie razor burn, nicks and time taken, but, I must say it is getting better each day.

The nicks and burn seem to have disappeared which is probably a combination of blade change, (was Derby - now Personna) technique and prep.

So much good advise here.


ps. I think someone might have commented already, but I to can't stop looking at NatJag's bum !!!!! :hungrig
The nicks and burn will have reduced as your technique improved, you'll be gaining muscle memory and finding what works and dispensing with what doesn't possibly even subconsciously.

As you say the blade change may well have helped as well.

I'm 2 months in now and can confirm that it continues to get quicker and easier.
co pilot said:
ps. I think someone might have commented already, but I to can't stop looking at NatJag's bum !!!!! :hungrig

It was the closest picture I had relating to shaving, baby bum smooth, apart from the baby bit.

Well done on your first month. My DE shaving didn't start to click until I got my current razor, which was 3 months in.
NatJag said:
It was the closest picture I had relating to shaving, baby bum smooth, apart from the baby bit.

Interesting photo collection, it's OK you don't have to explain yourself to us...

I wonder what picture would you choose to represent a weeper or shaving rash then I like your way of thinking.